In Idyll, there is a place that appears different to all who encounter it. It is best described as a river, but whether it is a clear-glass stream or a lake of blood-thick ink, whether the building in the centre is a new cottage or a skyscraper ruin--or whether this structure exists at all--depends on the individual. This is The River Windrose, named for the petals that drift with the wind to the spaces of the unconscious.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Summer Manga-Final Update

My usual reading/ watching post! As always, SPOILERS AWAIT! (Though most of them should be appropriately marked.) This can be considered a continuation off of the update earlier this summer. 

Bakuman: As mentioned, this is probably my favorite manga ever and I wanted to watch the anime just to relive the story. I like the power of the manga more, but the anime seems pretty faithful to it. :) And we get to see everything in color! XD

Legend of Korra: Can't believe I didn't mention book one and two, but I watched book three over the summer. Definitely the strongest season of the show so far. I like the development of the antagonists and the insight in airbending. Korra's gotten more character development as well.

No Game No Life: Finished season 1 and OMG SO AWESOME. I need to analyze everything more, but my initial response was just sheer amazement at the scheming that Sora and Shiro do. Stephanie Dola's ditziness is sometimes face-palm worthy and other times just flat out annoying, but I do appreciate her sense of loyalty and faith. Jibril...her wings....that's just too cool.

Absolute Duo: (ongoing) This one just started, but I really like the art and am curious where it goes. A little disappointed with the lack of updates though.

Battle Royale: (for some reason I can't find a link that works; complete) Similar premise as The Hunger Games: every year, a middle school class is chosen to participate in The Program. Students are given a bag of supplies and sent out to kill each other until one person remains. If no one dies within 24 hours, the collars on their necks kill everyone.
The manga shows snippets of the students' lives and the life they came from. It's scary, and sad to get to know this kid and then watch his/her brains get blown out (literally; it's graphic). Connected to the reoccuring motif of personal demons and childhood traumas, there's an interesting theme about how demons/ monsters are made, not born.
(Kinda a plot-spoiler): All my more-liked characters sad.

Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu (Today, Love Starts!; complete): Cute shoujo manga with an interesting though insecure protagonist, Hibino Tsubaki. I especially like that she's a hardworking student with a random hobby like hair styling. It took me a while longer to get used to the genius/ playboy/ make lead Tsubaki Kyouta, although I ended up really liking him as well. Super cute, definitely worth the read. Always action/drama-packed (probably because they're both a little too insecure -_-) and I like it enough to go back and reread a few cute scenes sometimes.

Last Game: (ongoing) Shoujo and school life--I particularly feel a connection to this one because most of the action happens in college instead of high school. Both of the protagonists are great students; unlike Kaichou wa maid-sama and Special A though, it's the guy that's in second place that's perpetually chasing the girl. Koujo is naive, even for me, but I think that's what makes her so adorable. Super cute; I'm definitely looking forward to this one; it has good monthy updates too. This is probably my favorite on this list, and might even go somewhere in my top ten, depending on where things go from now.

Mahouja Koukou no Rettousei (ongoing) -- Shounen, scifi/ fantasy and school life. "Magic" has become a science, and nations are competing to nurture the new "magicians". First High School in Japan is one such high school devoted to training students with magic capability. I love the theory of magic and the way magic is quantified into science. Even if it's not exactly the kind of theory I'd go for, it's an amazing theory of magic, and I'm really enjoying the theory of magic as portrayed this way. Even though I'm looking forward to updates, I really dislike the two protagonists. The boy strikes me as ridiculously clever and overpowered, and I'm not liking his sister any more either, even though she seems to lack his extent of cleverness.

Rockin Heaven: (complete) Shoujo and school life. Pretty good. There are a few drama elements and  some pretty interesting scenes that kinda go against the typical shoujo manga, and overall a cute story. I like the ending particularly.

Romeo x Juliet: (complete) An interesting take on the traditional Romeo and Juliet story. It's really short, and quite interesting. It might have benefited from having more time to develop the characters and their motives.

Shinshi Doumei Cross: (complete) Shoujo and school life (and a great touch of drama). The sickness of greed and the rich is pretty prevalent in this one, considering everyone is rich. The backstory isn't revealed until pretty late, but it's pretty interesting. Some gender-bending in this one.

I've also been keeping up with Daytime Shooting Star (Hirunaka no Ryuusei) which is apparently nearing the end. It's been an incredible run, and I have to hand it to the protagonist for being more assertive. :) (And seriously, Mamura is too kind. <3)

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