I read a lot of otome games. This page will be updated with the otome games I read XD
Top 10:
So like I do with manga, my top ten (in terms of stories I liked) of this list are:
- Shohei Aiba (In your Arms Tonight)
- Yuta Kajima (My Forged Wedding)
- Takuto Hirukawa (Thief X)
- Gilbert Blood (Cinderella Rose)
- Ayumu Shinonome (Her Love on the Force)
- Hideki Ishigami (Her Love on the Force)
- Homore Midorikawa (Class Trip Crush)
- Issei Sezaki (Kiss of Revenge)
- Ivan Chernenkov (Be My Princess 2)
- Takashi Ninagawa (Scandal in the Spotlight)
I say top ten but really these are just the handful that I really liked.
WARNING: Mostly my personal preferences. SPOILERS AWAIT. Mostly whited out. XD
* are stories for people that I particularly liked and would read more on.
MC refers to the female protagonist (main character)
Voltage series:
- Be My Princess 1--prince and commoner story.
- Yakov Chernenkov--short, but I thought it was cute. I actually played Be My Princess 2 first, so Yakov was a very intentional choice after Ivan.
- Glenn Casaragi--oh man the love triangle in this one, including the prince, the butler, and even the prince's cute little brother (who is literally the only one I like at the end of everything -_-) is dramatic. Satisfied my desire for some epically dramatic scenes.
- Be My Princess 2--50 years later, some of the same families
- * Ivan Chernenkov-- I really disliked how sexist his country is....and he was rather cold in the beginning, but I like how they open up to each other. His awkward honesty is makes some dramatic scenes a little less sappy and cliche. Not because there isn't drama because there is a LOT (like when he falls off a cliff and everyone thinks he's dead!) but because I think there could have been cuter/ sappier scenes such as when MC breaks off the engagement and when he realizes his mistake and chases after her. I'm still debating on whether that's a good thing or not, but with every story Ivan's kinda growing on me. There's a lot of inherent sexism that goes on with this character, but I found myself liking him as he starts to recognizes that MC-san as a strong person; he not only acknowledges her pastry chef profession but encourages her. :D
- Class Trip Crush--Meeting and developing feelings on a co-ed class trip.
- *Homare Midorikawa-- After reading the other two stories, I realized that Homare's story is a little distorted because of how lone-sheep this guy was. The 3 years later and everything are very mellow but still very cute. I like rereading bits of this story (especially the entire arc with the playboy tutor) but the more I do (and the more substories I read with him) the more I realize Homare's kinda a jerk.
- Nagisa Ichinose-- I appreciated this guy's role as a friend than a love interest; I liked him more I read Taketo's story. Nice, sweet guy.
- Taketo Kanzaki-- Oh man the drama with his twin brother also crushing on the MC was great. It was sweet and cute while it lasted, but wasn't enough to entrance into buying any sequels.
- Enchanted in the Moonlight-- Ayakashi (demons) offer to protect the MC in exchange for her power.
- Yukinojo-- He's pretty and I like the snow/ice element. I also liked the purple flower they plant together but think that MC gets a little too obsessed about it. He also almost rapes MC in the beginning, which was a definite negative point. I don't really get how they fall for each other--especially MC-san-- while they're avoiding each other, and don't really see why the lover from a hundred years ago element was necessary. Disappointing. Probably more so because I was really looking forward to the magic (the smoke animations were neat though!)
- Finally in Love Again-- middle aged woman finds love.
- Sosuke Kikuchi--I read this one after Shoehei Aiba (In Your Arms Tonight) because it's also a story about long-time unrequited love. But Sosuke's story didn't really strike much of a chord with me. I did appreciate how their relationship grew subtly and I loved that the MC is a respected pastry chef in her own strength, but the romance didn't really hit me very strong. :x
- First Love Diaries-- High school couple going through all the firsts together.
- Actually I didn't really like either of these stories. They were cute, but both of them moved way to fast for me. With Nao I thought maybe it was because I chose the jock for the first time, but that wasn't the case...at all....
- Nao Fujimori--I would like to note though, that there is a very serious (and well-appreciated) message here about protection. The characters actually spend almost a full episode hunting for a condom and making sure there's mutual consent. *clap clap clap*
- Mitsuru Sanada--When I think of this story, I always jump to this first, irritatingly enough: They have sex for the first time in a toolshed on a rainy day. Literally, "There's bad weather and we're trapped here so why not." Unromantic-ness aside, that sounds like a unclean place. Point taken though, MC-chan spends almost the following two episodes panicking if she's pregnant.
- Gangsters in Love-- Kidnapped girl and the gangsters keeping her safe.
- This series seems to be done in a different style than most Voltage games, but I'm kinda intrigued.
- Ash-- It isn't out yet but I plan on waiting for this one.
- Her Love in the Force--Police academy student and teacher.
- This is my favorite overall series right now. All three paths that I've bought thus far have not disappointed and the interactions with the other characters are enough to get a good glimpse at them while providing some amusement. I love how MC-san get some great character development in each of these.
- Seiji Goto--I played Goto's route at first just because I wanted to try out the story and the other stories hadn't been released. I remember being very touched by the development of their relationship. I like how they depend on each other.
- *Hideki Ishigami-- This was one of those stories that I ranted to xForsakenx about so much as I read through it--for good reasons. I loved how the MC develops in this story--she starts off as someone who's almost looked down upon but through her own effort and some grudging help from Ishigami becomes a force to be reckoned with. At the end of the second season she still needs a little saving, but that's only after she's kicked some major ass.
- *Ayumu Shinonome--I played Shinonome's route because 1) I usually go for the genius hacker type, 2) I was looking forward to his route from when I first got the app and 3) I was pretty sure I wouldn't like another route more than Ishigami's. I'm not sure about that third point anymore though. I love the drama with Sachi, Shinonome's childhood friend and first love. It was really quite refreshing (at least for me) for the love interest to be in love with someone else for a a good half of the main story.
- In Your Arms Tonight--MC's husband is a cheating on her and she meets someone she actually loves.
- Kippei Ebihara-- Ebihara is MC's boss. I was really skeptical I would like this one, but I remember choosing him because his was the only one whose first chapter really stood out. I really liked one of the last scenes where Ebihara, who has been calmly referring to MC as "just an employee" walks up to MC's dirtbag husband and is just like "Please divorce your wife. I can make her happy, more than you have."
- Genji Higashiyama-- For an arrogant jock-type, I really liked how sweet Genji was and how the action played out. I feel like the MC and him have a really good and believable rapport, even if they need to communicate more.
- *Shohei Aiba-- THIS. I cried and I laughed and I facepalmed and just this one was great. Shohei has been carrying a torch for the MC for about 8 years and when her no-good husband starts cheating on her, Shohei just quietly supports her and confronts him about it behind her back. He's really sweet, and so so considerate. The drama is beautiful, and the intense workaholism was kinda inspiring for me >< I actually like how Kippei and Hana (the boss) are in this route the best. The entire cast of supporting characters is wonderful (even the rival in season 1! She stays in character in season 2 but is on the MC's side now! It's great!) and I love how strong the MC is, particularly after such a traumatic situation (being cheated on + told she's meaningless and unappealing + divorce + new job situation all at the same time). She throws herself into her work and gets on top of her new job very fast. She's incredible in that sense.
In one of the side stories when Shohei starts thinking that he has a rival in love, the MC basically is like *slap!* "When are you going to stop acting like this is a one-sided thing? I love you too! And it's my choice as to who is best for me! So stop feeling insecure!"And all the other little things he says. <3333333 Not the kind of character I usually go for (the dorky/ silly type?) but this character/ story/ route is just glorious. - Kiss of Revenge--MC is after revenge on the hospital that killed her mother.
- *Issei Sezaki-- This story was ON POINT with the drama. There's a beautiful tension as MC works hard to get close to Issei, the son of the hospital director, for her revenge. And of course there's a beautiful internal conflict when she realizes she loves him but that he was the actual surgeon responsible for her mother's death.
Like in some of my other favorites, I liked that MC is a strong character and a respected doctor in her own right. She has her flaws, such as showing too much of her feelings on her face, but she works hard to cover for those and demonstrates her competency as a doctor and humility as a person. Also, because of her focus on her revenge, there's actually some time for a relationship to develop before she and Issei get romantically involved. The first few times Issei shows affection are a little sudden, but in no way detrimental to the story.
I could probably play another character, but I'm a little hesitant. None of the other love interests jumped out to me personally. That, and I like the relationships everyone has in Issei's route too much >,< - Kiss Me on Clover Hill-- Art school student living with male roommates.
- Soichi Kiyota-- I remember really liking the route as a story, even if I didn't quite like the characters. That is, I liked the drama with Soichi's father and how everyone tried to help (or avoid) conflict. I liked how they built the relationship and how passionate Soichi was about his dream to be an architect. I even liked the backstory with Soichi's grandfather building the house. But I guess the romance just didn't completely pull at my heartstrings and make me want to read more. I should probably try some of the other characters later.
- Shokichi Kuramuto—I liked how the two of them were just really good friends and then they became more. I also bought the sequel, but didn’t like it as much. It was too much trying-to-prove-myself and failing.
- Kissed by the Baddest Bidder-- Hotel employee is sold in an underground auction to her boss's group of friends.
- Eisuke Ichinomiya--nah, this just pissed me off. To the very end of the main story I can't tell if I'm his convenient coffee-making gofer or his girlfriend.
- Thief X
- *Takuto Hirukawa-- Takkun was the first otome guy that I really liked....he's completely tsundere, and he's terribly childish at times (man every time he starts yelling insults at the enemy I facepalm or just laugh). But he shows a very nice, vulnerable side too sometimes, and it's those times that really endear me to Takkun. I really would like the story better if the MC got to do something or be more useful, but she always seems to be the one being saved and dragged around. Her forgiving nature and sweetness is really charming though. I really like the action in Thief X and I like the missions XD (and being me I think Takkun the hacker is the coolest XD)
- Tatsuro Togoshi--Forsaken thought I would like the childhood friend. He's really nice, and I really like him... platonically. (Even though it's cute that they both had/ have crushes on each other as kids)
- Riki Yanase--The drama was well received in Riki's route. Ironically, I ended up liking Takuto a little more because of the crush he develops on MC in Riki's route.
- Hiro Sarashina--I was actually really disappointed by Hiro's route because I really enjoyed the childish playfulness of his character from the other routes. But his actual route felt like just a lot of Hiro dragging MC-san around. I don't quite remember how they fall in love....
- Yuki Arisugawa: I liked his character as a side-character…and not so much as an actual love interest. To be fair though, a lot of it was more because of the smoking -_-“
- My Forged Wedding-- Pretend to be with (and actually live with) someone you just met.
- *Yuta Kajima-- I took a long time deciding which character to read in My Forged Wedding. All of the guys all seemed to have their pros and cons and I was just really indecisive. I decided on Yuta after seeing snippets of their interactions from his view in one of the side stories.
Yuta is just a bundle of fun and even if some of the Fukumini jokes aren't actually that funny, I had a lot of fun with this route and with him. As a couple, MC and Yuta just fall into the couple mentality of living together without thinking about it too much, and how encouraging he is. I was really moved by this one, especially when Mashiro, Yuta's comedy partner, tells them to stop the fake wife act. When the same conflict comes up with MC's dad, I was just as sad for them.
The only complaint I have for this route is that Yuta basically proposes to MC 3 times: once in the beginning for the fake-wife deal, then again when he asks her to be his girlfriend officially, then again when they actually get married. It was definitely thrilling, but a little confusing. And....ok I thought the play in Paris being redone for the MC was kinda unbelievable. But they can have otome game luck simply because it makes for some great sappy scenes. Definitely one of my favorites. I may try some of the other routes too. - My Last First Kiss— a group of childhood friends are living near each other again.
- Makoto Morimachi—He looked like the nicest of the boys that were out (and I love the intelligent type XD) so I figured I’d try it out. I really liked how sweet they were, but I honestly am a little surprised that the MC turned around and realized that she could see her big-brother figure as a romantic figure. That was the only thing that bothered me. But the story did get me interested in Makoto’s brother, ironically. There’s a good amount of helping each other, which makes it nice, but I really liked them better as just really good friends.
- Takamune Kitami— ok I actually really liked how we can see MC and Taka get closer through the story. And Taka’s character development though the story is kinda awesome as well. I don’t often like jock/ sporty types, but Taka and Ayato’s friend dynamic was pretty good.
- Riku Morimachi—This one really pulled at my heartstrings. Riku and MC dated for a few days back in high school but the relationship ended suddenly because they seemed to have exactly opposite tastes and personalities. I loved how they tried so hard to reach each other yet not always make themselves clear. I don't really appreciate how he's the younger kid always trying to show how much more adult he is :x But this story really tugged at me.
- My Sweet Bodyguard--bodyguard and defended.
- *Hideki Ishigami--I got this route because I really liked Ishigami in Her Love in the Force. MC is an actress in this one and actually puts her skills to good use in helping Ishigami with some of the cases. At some points it seemed a little forced, but compared to how the MC reacts in other otome games, this one was definitely able to seem more composed. Ishigami's workaholic nature is almost endearing--if only it didn't take away so much time from their cute interactions.
- My Wedding and 7 Rings-- grandfather and boss wills that MC marry one of the 7 executives of the company.
- I played through every route on this…and while all of them are good, I just can’t decide on one that I’m really attached to. XD
- Asahi Kakyouin--Maybe I just don't like rich jerks as much as I thought I would. I was really ok with him until I played Junta and Yamato's route's and found their conversations much kinder. There are some really cute scenes with Asahi though, such as when they run into the lost kid in France or when they work together to make a company proposal. Also, this was the only route in which the guy resigning from the company makes even a little sense.
- Junta Nikaido-- Of the three, I think Junta's route was my favorite romantically. They have some cute moments together and I like the drama that unfolds with Junta's honey-trapping partner.
- Yamato Kougami--I think I liked the banter that went with Yamato the most of these three. Maybe it comes from them being old friends, but I liked these guys as friends more than a couple.
- Kai Fujisawa— In contrast to how he seems from the other storylines, Kai is actually really cold to the MC in the beginning. Her presence though, helps mellow people around him and helps him in his search to find his sister and also in his relations with other people. I really liked that about this story. The only thing that really bothered me was that the first time they have sex, it’s because he’s angry and just takes advantage of her feelings towards him (which are then unknown). Of course MC was fine with it, but it was still…unsettling. Other than that, the few computer references were really fun for me (hey, programming is a very attractive skill!). And of course he has to be the smoker; completely unnecessary detail, storywriters -_-.
- Ren Shibasaki—I was a little iffy on getting Ren’s at first because I wasn’t sure what to think about him always being asleep in My Forged Wedding, but I was really touched by his story and his unrequited love for the MC. I can’t believe he put up with Yamato not asking her out or something before the end of it. And then of course, when it turns out that both of them like her and were just too shy to say it? Guys serious. He’s really sweet, although I still would like him to talk more XD
- Seiichirou Hayami— This story was developing great until the end. I liked the buildup of everything, and then the climatic scene with the stockholders and everyone gathered up was a bit of a disappointment.
- Hiroto Chitose—I didn’t think I would like him because I don’t like the playboy type, but Hiroto’s story was surprisingly tender. I enjoyed it, even though I didn’t understand where in the story did he actually fall in love for Miss Kitten.
- Our Two Bedroom Story--coworkers living together
- Minato Okouchi--There was awesome drama and some unnecessary alpha-male behavior. It was a good story, but nothing that enticed me to want to know any more.
- Shusei Hayakawa-- I love how he's a gamer. That's super cute. But he smokes and doesn't ever really stop. And that pisses me off. I was inspired to read this one after really enjoying Shohei Aiba's route in "In Your Arms Tonight". It's cute, and I liked a few episodes and I like how they respect each other as independent people while falling in love.
- Scandal in the Spotlight--ghostwriter and band member
- *Takashi Ninagawa-- Man, do not confess to me, let me tell you I love you as well, and then tell me we can't be together because you can't concentrate!! I waited to get this guy's route from all the others and am glad I did. Quiet but sweet, Takashi doesn't really believe in the MC until she proves herself; while I was a little miffed that he seemed to get closer to her just for that, at least the MC gets acknowledgement that way.
Season 2 was....rather disappointing in all honestly. I was really excited that the love rival was Kota, who I also really like, but it was all a misunderstanding and there was no real romantic tension between MC and Kota that couldn't be explained as just good friends. Actually most of Season 2 was Taka mumbling around avoiding MC and then MC fretting over it or something he gave her that she lost. - Ryo Chibana— This one was nice. I liked how their relationship develops and how the MC improves from working with him, but I realized that relative to the other storylines, this means that the MC didn’t have the chance to write amazing lyrics solely by herself without the real Ryo’s help. It was a minor point, but still bugged me. Also, having Ryo reveal himself at the end for her kinda threw me off.
- *Kota Igarashi— So I tried him out just because he was tsundere and I’m apparently tsundere. And….Idk why, but I really really like Kota. He’s shy and when he talks its usually kinda blunt and sometimes not nice, but his reasoning process is always the cutest thing ever. He really is like a cat!
Season 2's rivalry with Nagito was actually something that'd been building up a lot. Kota and Nagito have a natural rivalry kind of thing. I would have appreciated if they actually talked more instead of just fuming silently about it and trying to win the MC over like she's an object...so it was kinda disappointing....but still ok. - Sleepless Cinderella-- journalist and celebrity
- *Noel Aijima-- I remember liking this story (even if the UI is not very friendly relative to the more recent ones) even though it's hard to see how their relationship is progressing. I like that subtlety to an extent though. I'd be interested in another story with him.
- True Love, Sweet Lies--freelance photographer working with a detective agency.
- Sakuya Nanahoshi--Due to some kind of happy error, I actually got this story for free and it was the first of Voltage stories that I read. After this I also got Takuto from Thief X's main story for free and that was what really got me into otome games. >< From what I remember, Sakuya's route had me constantly thinking "Rely on me more! Rely on your friends more! Stop being so proud...and then possessive...and then sitting there glued to your work without telling people what you're doing!"
Other series:
- Angel or Devil (Shall We Date?)
- Ruvel--the Reaper choice. It had its tender moments. I finished most of it before just looking up the ending online.
- Cinderella Rose (Kyonoplete)
- I read through all three endings (happy, normal and bad) for all three of them. The happy ending for each boy was obviously the nicest, but the other endings do say a lot about the boys and the story, so I do consider them as well. Thus, I’m mostly commenting on the character’s as characters more than love interests.
- Alex Altavick— is a bitch. He’s an arrogant, entitled playboy. From a character point of view, I liked his bad ending the best because after he rapes the MC to get her to marry him, she stops caring about him or her greedy grandfather and sasses them. My favorite line: “I don’t need your permission. If you want to stop me, divorce me.” Silence. Bam, asshats. Even from the other characters’ points of view I think he sounds like an asshole. Admittedly though, in Gilbert’s storyline, he comes off as gentlemanly. But really he’s just a smooth talker and he totally gets what’s coming to him in his happy ending, (except MC is too nice and helps him heal :P). His endings all start with them premise of a loveless marriage but it’s uncertain if it will get better..
- *Gilbert Blood— Despite Gilbert’s apparent uncouth and blunt ways of speaking, I actually really liked him. He believes in hard work and is the only route in which the MC feels like she’s useful because she can work despite being a noble. I love how the MC is actually really proactive (most of the time…screw her greedy grandfather and his willfulness) in getting her own say and in taking care of Gilbert as well: For example, when he pushes her behind him to protect her, but then later she throws herself over him in order to prevent the attackers from harming him any further and then nurses him back to health. Her inner turmoil when she discovers his feud with her grandfather was very sudden, but also very touching. Of course I love their happy end because they’re happy together; the bad end broke my heart because of how despondent the MC gets; she’s literally waiting her life away. Gilbert’s story actually inspired one of my own stories too XD. In Gilbert’s endings, the MC is in love with him, but it’s uncertain if he returns her affection.
- Edward Satake— I liked the butler-lady relationship, so I was a little sad that they In Edward’s endings, they both love each other, but it’s uncertain if they can have a happy life together.
- Destiny Ninja (Shall We Date?)
- Hattori Hanzo Kazamasa--The first otome game I read! I don't remember too much of it, but I know it was good enough to keep me patiently reading until I finished. I liked how quiet he was actually.
- Destiny Ninja 2 (Shall We Date?)
- Shiroya -- I liked how cheerful Shiroya is and how cute the MC and he are together. The alternate Shiroya personality was kinda cool as well and I wasn't terribly upset at "him" even if it was kinda cliche.
- Forbidden Love: It's Our Secret (Accela Inc)
- I got really mad at this one. Really mad. The idea is that MC's stepfather has ordered her to marry her stepbrother for anyone to get their inheritance. Both Edward (intended main route) and Kevin (alternate route) are abusive towards MC-san, who is just trying her best in her job as a designer. Kevin steals her designs and creates a scandal with her professional life and Edward alternatively pushes her away and comes onto her too strong. If I had to choose I'd go with Kevin though, because in the end he at least apologizes and respects MC's designing talent enough to help her go to Italy, whereas Edward threatens her with his father's will condition . I'm going to stop there before I can remember more examples that will upset me.
- Forbidden Love: The Unforgivable Couple (Accela Inc)
- Like with the one above, I just remember liking Johannes (the alternate/ actual boyfriend) more than Mike (stepbrother and intended main route). This was less severe and I actually liked Johannes a little.
- Midnight Princess (Ikeman Royal Romances)
- *Byron Wagner--This one was really sweet. I don't really get how MC falls in love so quickly and why Byron is so fixated on her specifically, but I like their interactions. Although I'd like it if he took off the eyepatch when they're alone together especially since it's more for the people not to get intimidated by his looking like his dictator father.
- My Sweet Proposal (Okko)
- Keita Mitsui--I actually just watched a play-through of this on youtube or something. Keita and MC are high school sweethearts that broke up due to a misunderstanding. I facepalmed so many times because MC and Keita couldn't recognize that they both still loved each other and that the other girl was messing with them.
- Seduce Me (Seraphim Entertainment) is basically what I want to do with my year off: make an otome game by myself.
- I kinda went for Damien's story at first but ended up getting one where I GOT MAGIC >:D It was awesome! Until Diana showed up. I played a few versions with her, Andrew and Damien and have decided that Diana is the best lover and that having magic beats having a boyfriend.
- Roommates (Winterwolves) more in this post.
- Max--The first otome game I paid for (before all the Voltage ones). I liked how sweet his and Anne's teasing was.
- Dominic--at first glance this guy should be more my "type", but....yea the guy's just as pretentious as Max teases him to be.
- Wizardess Heart (Shall We Date?)
- *Elias Goldstein--Another one where I stuck through to the end. I really liked the portrayal of the Gendonlune Royal Magic Academy, which might have been a good part of what entranced me. The story was well paced as well. Some of the questions for the love meter were based on paying attention to other aspects of the story (like answering a question in class); I don't get how that would work, but I'm not complaining haha. What I liked about Elias's story was that he and the MC are on no friendly terms in the beginning and he calls her an idiot almost excessively, and we get to see, step-by-step, how both of them start to have feelings for each other.
MC Names I use:
Aura Ellis | Kitari Hirukawa | Ayane Sezaki | Hikari Ishinome | Iyue Kajima | Rynn Igarashi/ Ninagawa
I used to use "Adda Ellis" (my pen name) as my name in these stories. In Thief X though, I thought it looked weird or something and changed it to "Aura Ellis". Takuto Hirukawa was the first of the otome boys below that I really really liked, and thus for the next character I used Hirukawa as the surname. "Kitari" is an original name that comes from "kitsune" (japanese for fox) and "Ahri" (nine tailed fox character in League), inspired by the Black Foxes thief group that the boys of Thief X make up.
The name I used for most of these was thus, Kitari Hirukawa. Next I really liked Issei Sezaki in Kiss of Revenge. However, the name I came up with this was not quite as original or exciting. "Ayane Sezaki" is thus only used in the Her Love in the Force stories (and My Sweet Bodyguard because Ishigami's also in that one). "Ayane" came from Ayame, a female doctor and good friend of the main character (MC) in Kiss of Revenge.
I used the name Hikari Ishinome for a few of them. The surname comes from Ishigami + Shinonome, my two favorite characters from Her Love in the Force. The first name is because Hideki and Hikari look similar and I thought that would be cute. (Hikari is also the name of the protagonist in Special A!)
I’ve also thought of the name Iyue Kajima based in part on Yuta Kajima. Actually it was supposed to be Iymuine, from “Ayumu” which means a dream or vision, and “Imogene” from latin for innocent maiden. I liked how both Ayumu and Yuta's stories were a little more innocent and cheerful than some of the others I’ve encountered (they still have their drama lol). Also, Yuta says (sometime around the wedding story) that he wanted to make a family that was just as supportive and cheerful as the character’s. So Iymuine was kinda like that dream for innocence. But when I went to type it I felt like it was too long. So just Iyue.
After this, I ran out of ideas for first names, but I had character name without a story: Rin Tsraine. The most recent story was Kota Igarashi. So I respelled Rin as Rynn and made her Rynn Igarashi. I also made a Rynn Ninagawa after Takashi Ninagawa in the same story.
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