I fell a bit behind this week and next week is summer school finals, so today's bit is unedited and kinda all over the place.
Basically, the first line, "He's 5'2", blonde, blue eyes and hates soccer," was something I randomly heard off the street. I had no context, and lost the speaker almost right after. I added "Find him" to the line and this assortment of scenes was born.
WC: 629
“He’s 5’2”, blonde, blue eyes and hates soccer. Find him.”She collapsed into the chair and pressed her fingers against her forehead. He couldn’t have gotten far yet.“He was wearing a brown collared shirt and jeans. He likes traveling. He fences, yes. He’s got trophies in his room. Me? I’m his fiancee. He proposed to me about an hour ago.”
5’2”…blonde…blue eyes…. That could change, she knew. Hates soccer—she couldn’t confirm that. It was flat out untrue, really. He used to love soccer. But for all she knew, he apparently hated it.
Find him. Well, therein laid the problem. Cisternae wouldn’t—couldn’t—be found unless he wanted to be. He was a master of disguises and a manipulator of illusions. If he wanted to hide, it would be the easiest thing in the world for him. But she needed something for the police to search for. So that was what they could work with. And anyways.
5’2”, 120lbs, blonde, blue eyes. Those were the measurements the police and butlers would know and search for first. For now at least.
Cisternae stopped in the back of the mansion, a duffel pack slung over his shoulder and dressed in travel garb.There was only one thing that gave him a sense of security: They had a deal. Qualia would get her life as a princess, and he would get his change at adventure. It was just a matter of escaping now.
He threw himself over a wall and dyed his hair and eyes as he walked, setting a brisk pace for the rendezvous point.
Once, Qualia was almost afraid they’d caught onto his trail. It was hard, feigning excitement and concern for finding him when she knew he had run off intentionally.Luckily, they’d agreed not to tell each other anything, only that they’d do their best in their role.
He always knew the odds would be against him. Even with Qualia’s cooperation, her role would be that of the concerned and heartbroken fiancee. She would try desperately to search for him, employing any means necessary. He would be by himself, with the help of a few preparations he’d made beforehand.
He didn’t hesitate as he caught a cab first to the airport to throw off any pursuers, then walked to his friend and confidant’s apartment. Cristae had a car waiting for him, as well as the other provisions they’d secretly gathered.
“Qualia’s got the airport and train depots crawling with searchers,” Cristae told him as they stuffed his duffel in the back seat. “However did you get out of there uncaught?” He’d just had lunch, but there was no telling when he’d next have a proper meal. He wasn’t going to pass up hot food if he could get his hands on it. Once they’d crammed as much provisions as they could into the unsuspecting car without weighing it down, Cristae drove him to the border. They swapped clothes out here and shook hands.
“Good luck,” Cristae told him.
“Thank you, you too.” Cisternae paused. “Thanks for getting involved too. I wish you could come with me.”
“I’ll do my best. Qualia’s a better actress though.”
They knew. They also knew that the plot that let Cisternae get his adventure and Qualia get her fairy-tale would probably end poorly for Cristae, involving anywhere from alienation from Cisternae’s family—the ruling family of the City-State of Isoleucine— to jail time under charges he didn’t commit.
Cisternae knew Cristae and Qualia were close friends—closer than anyone but Cisternae knew. But they both expected Qualia would sacrifice that for her act. The guys had devised a plan so that sacrifice might not need to happen. Now, all that waited was to see how to execute it.
Nothing much to say yet. If I do expand upon this, it will probably be greatly changed. Interested? Not? Confused (where?) or rolling your eyes? Tell me what you think! I'll jot it down so that I keep it in mind when (and if) I expand this.
Next week: With luck, I'll have a JULIET-related scene/ episode part up next week. Summer ends in a few weeks so I'll have a end-of-summer reading post as well as revised writing plans (because I change my mind a lot XD)
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