In Idyll, there is a place that appears different to all who encounter it. It is best described as a river, but whether it is a clear-glass stream or a lake of blood-thick ink, whether the building in the centre is a new cottage or a skyscraper ruin--or whether this structure exists at all--depends on the individual. This is The River Windrose, named for the petals that drift with the wind to the spaces of the unconscious.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Intro to Psychic


Firstly, thank you for still reading this. I know I'm horrible with my posting schedule, and sometimes I don't even post every week. I know what I write isn't the most terribly fascinating thing you could read, and I know I write entirely too much nonsense every time. Nonetheless, thank you for reading. <3

Unfortunately, there is no actual writing post today; I am simply talking about the project I've been working on. 

In terms of blog updates, the look has again been updated. I'm also working on a separate page to house current project and plans since I seem to keep changing them anyways. I figured no one wants to read an entire post on my ever-changing plans every month, so I'll just keep a separate page in roughly the style of this last plan-sheet.

TL;DR: Psychic is a shoujo/ drama story of indeterminate length that I've been having trouble with. I'm revamping some characters and will post content once I have enough of an idea where the story is going.

The premise
The reason why I haven't been posting these last two weeks is because I've been working on a project called Psychic. It's intended to be a shoujo/ drama story centered around a few high-school/ college age students with psychic abilities in the combat-based society of Yuen.

I was going for shoujo because I have read a lot of shoujo manga (see anything tagged "reading" XD). I had written a bit of it with Spring Ball Trouble and this time I wanted to add in more drama. With a setting like Yuen University you would think I'd be writing some school life into this, but I tried writing a few scenes and decided I didn't really like it, for this story at least. (Anyways, I'll get plenty of school life exploration once I start Ink Academy XD; more on that later.)

I was originally thinking of doing the story in short snippets and episodes, but my "snippets" have been turning into 500-1500 word scenes >.<" Also, the scope of the original story has drastically expanded, so I'm thinking of expanding this out to a longer story, something on the level of Spring Ball Trouble or ECA.

I had a bit of trouble creating characters that were original but fit the shoujo stereotype. Despite having a general setup for what I want to achieve, I also don't have a very clear plot outline in mind outside of a few incidences.

I have a few thousand words written and posted on a private google doc, but it was, upon review, entirely too close to Forsaken's story. (Honestly was a very embarrassed and disappointed in myself for not catching these parallels until she pointed them out >.<) I talked over the story with another friend today and think I have ideas for a revamp but until stuff is more or less decided, I don't want to post anything. Pardon for the delay!

Next week: Nothign big planned. If not another River Windrose scene on a character never seen before, then maybe a character list for Psychic.

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