Firstly, thank you for still reading this. I know I'm horrible with my posting schedule, and sometimes I don't even post every week. I know what I write isn't the most terribly fascinating thing you could read, and I know I write entirely too much nonsense every time. Nonetheless, thank you for reading. <3
Unfortunately, there is no actual writing post today; I am simply talking about the project I've been working on.
In terms of blog updates, the look has again been updated. I'm also working on a separate page to house current project and plans since I seem to keep changing them anyways. I figured no one wants to read an entire post on my ever-changing plans every month, so I'll just keep a separate page in roughly the style of this last plan-sheet.
TL;DR: Psychic is a shoujo/ drama story of indeterminate length that I've been having trouble with. I'm revamping some characters and will post content once I have enough of an idea where the story is going.
The premise
The reason why I haven't been posting these last two weeks is because I've been working on a project called Psychic. It's intended to be a shoujo/ drama story centered around a few high-school/ college age students with psychic abilities in the combat-based society of Yuen.
I was going for shoujo because I have read a lot of shoujo manga (see anything tagged "reading" XD). I had written a bit of it with Spring Ball Trouble and this time I wanted to add in more drama. With a setting like Yuen University you would think I'd be writing some school life into this, but I tried writing a few scenes and decided I didn't really like it, for this story at least. (Anyways, I'll get plenty of school life exploration once I start Ink Academy XD; more on that later.)
I was originally thinking of doing the story in short snippets and episodes, but my "snippets" have been turning into 500-1500 word scenes >.<" Also, the scope of the original story has drastically expanded, so I'm thinking of expanding this out to a longer story, something on the level of Spring Ball Trouble or ECA.
I had a bit of trouble creating characters that were original but fit the shoujo stereotype. Despite having a general setup for what I want to achieve, I also don't have a very clear plot outline in mind outside of a few incidences.
I have a few thousand words written and posted on a private google doc, but it was, upon review, entirely too close to Forsaken's story. (Honestly was a very embarrassed and disappointed in myself for not catching these parallels until she pointed them out >.<) I talked over the story with another friend today and think I have ideas for a revamp but until stuff is more or less decided, I don't want to post anything. Pardon for the delay!
Next week: Nothign big planned. If not another River Windrose scene on a character never seen before, then maybe a character list for Psychic.
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