In Idyll, there is a place that appears different to all who encounter it. It is best described as a river, but whether it is a clear-glass stream or a lake of blood-thick ink, whether the building in the centre is a new cottage or a skyscraper ruin--or whether this structure exists at all--depends on the individual. This is The River Windrose, named for the petals that drift with the wind to the spaces of the unconscious.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Drawing Challenge Posts 02-04


I didn't purposely not update...I just have been drawing very late, much too late to be posting it right after. Thus, without further ado, here are three drawings! All at once :)

Day 2--Favorite Animal
~1 hr 15 min

I was trying to draw a pega
sus...I'm not quite sure how well I succeeded. It looks much better in this tiny preview than it does close up, meh. Not exactly what I imagined, but it's ok...for day 2.

I've always like pegasi. Horses that can fly= amazing. I'm not quite sure why, but I just seem to have always liked horses. They run, they jump, they're elegant and sleek and beautiful, an
d they have nice hay and heat smell. I've never really had horseback riding lessons though. As for the wings, I've always wanted to fly. Whenever I'm almost late to class (which is just about every class as I have a very bad habit of cutting to the minute before leaving for wherever I need to be) I imagine myself sprouting giant feathered wings from my back and soaring to class. Other times I summon a dragon or phoenix, or of course, a pegasus.

I remember in elementary school, I thought pegasus was the name of only Hercules's mount, and created the name "vier" for winged horses. One of my character then had a black vier with white socks and a white star called Midnight Stormwave. Hopefully I haven't done him any shame with this depiction.

Day 3--Favorite Food
~1 hr.

The food is a traditional chinese snack called Do4 Fu3 Gan1 (豆腐干) which in english translates roughly to "dried tofu" but I think should simply be translated as "the most awesome snack on the face of the planet". And of course, I had to add myself in there.

There are actually other versions of this, and in most dishes it's much thinner (think a vertical slice of what's pictured), and as much as I love xiang1 gan1 rou4 si1 (香干肉丝) (which is my favorite dish, but the challenge asked for a food, not a dish :x) I eat for the do gan, which means I prefer bigger chunks. :D

Day 4--Favorite Place
~30 min

The picture is not as wonderful as the place actually is, obviously. I was rushed though, which explains why it took about 30 minutes only (sitll, that's pretty crappy for half an hour. Time passes faster on the weekends DX! Anyways, since the picture is obviously phooey, I hope to make it up with words.

The place is a courtyard in a hostel on the outskirts of Dublin, Ireland. I was 12 years old, part of a group of students that went to the British Isles for a fortnight. We were supposed to be resting before our next excursion, but I didn't like my roommates' music (or they were sleeping and I wanted to be noisy) or something like that and I ended up wandering outside into the hallway with a notebook, humming to myself. I couldn't call my parents because there was a long line of other guests.

I slipped outside to the the tiny courtyard, thinking I could write and hum in peace without bothering anyone there. The courtyard was roughly triangular, though my memory blurs and all I remember is that it was hemmed off by the walls of the three or four wings of the hostel. From one of the third-floor windows someone had hung a few shirts and pants. I picked my way over a few potted plants and onto the cobblestone, poking my sandals through the dust.

Just as I sat down on the broken little table, the rain started drizzling down. It was light, and just a sprinkle of water around me, and in a moment of delight, I stood up and spun around on the cobblestone, letting the light rain fall around me. I had been in a funny mood and put on the green shoes my mom bought me--they were only supposed to be worn with my formal dress--and as a few droplets of water fell on the rhinestone-pieces, the shoes glistened like crystal green slippers.

Simple, but very pure at that moment. I don't quite know if I have all the details right because it was quite a while ago, and I'm not sure I can express that emotion...yet.

Until next time!

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