Before I get started, I wanted to mention that I have FINALLY gotten around to reading Inheritance, the last book in the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini. I had read a review before getting it on my kindle, and I had expected to be disappointed, but I think the final book was actually very neat and recommend it to anyone who hasn't finished the cycle yet. There's definitely more action than there is in Brisngr, and the little bits of romance (I shamelessly say I ship Murtagh and Nasuada) are lovely. The review had said it wasn't as well written as the other books, but I think it was pretty well written. The shifting perspectives were a good change of pace, and really helped add insight into characters. That said, there are a few events in the book I felt were strange. The book does leave a few loose ends and questions unanswered, especially being the last book in a series, but unanswered questions are the wonders of books and stories and life itself.
This all goes to prove: Read books before reading reviews. Lesson Learned.
The 30 day challenge: It's been a few days since the last update, so I figured I ought to post something to here, even if I'm a bit behind in the actual challenge. hehe! :)

Day 8-- Favorite Animated Character
~45 min
So like I attempted to foreshadow in last
week's post, my favorite animated character is Zuko, from Avatar: the Last Airbender. Close behind is Toph Bei Fong, from the same show. :)
I didn't do very well in this drawing. >.< But...I'll do better...with practice? Maybe? I had tried to do something super-complicated in terms of pose, but that didn't go the way I planned hehe >.<
Anyways...About AtLA :) I watched all 3 seasons over a 4-day weekend, such was the awesomeness of it. I didn't completely love Zuko from the start of Book 1: Water. To be honest, I was pretty creeped out by his scar and , and by how ruthless he seemed initially. But after given the backstory to the scar, and seeing the more compassionate side of his character, I started to like this antagonist. As the seasons continued on, Zuko's character is developed and explained, and this radical character development was and is what enchants me the most.
At first I shipped Zutara (Zuko+ Katara), but about 3/4 of the way through Book 2: Earth, I decided that "Katara wasn't good enough for Zuko" for reasons I don't remember and probably don't agree with anymore. Of course, I'm still fine with it, as I am with Kataang (Katara+ Aang, the avatar), but my favorite pairings would remain Toko (Toph+ Zuko) or the canon Maiko (Mai + Zuko).
I don't really remember how I got started with Toko, but I distinctly remember that this painting by the lovely Charlie Bowater and the idea that Toph is the only one in the Gaang that didn't go on a "life changing adventure" with Zuko haha.

Day 9-- Favorite TV show
~1 hr 30 min
I felt like being fair, even though Avatar would probably count as my favorite TV show, so I drew something for W.I.T.C.H. Pictured would be Hay Lin in her New Power outfit and Eric Lyndon, her crush from....a lot of arcs ago.
Drawing wise, I felt like it took altogether too long to come up with this. Most of that was spent trying to make her outfit look decent and determine and angle for the scene. Ironically, my favorite part would be the water, which probably took all of 15 minutes.
About the show though, I felt it wasn't as wonderful as the comic, but more than good as a show of its own (but then again, when is the movie as magnificent as the book?). Evidently my favorite character is Hay Lin, but I also really likes Irma and later even Cornelia. :)
And...I might as well mention Winx, while I'm here. I liked WITCH a lot more: I don't remember any/ as many filler episodes, and the characters were more defined and developed, I feel.
Only two pictures this week, very sorry! But I ought to keep a buffer, and I'm still very behind :(. Also, I would like to note that the first two pictures can now be found in my deviantART as well! I just copy-pasted the text from this blog though, but if you wanted a full view/ zoomed version of any of these, they're over on dA! Please comment! There or here I'll see them both :) Thanks much!
Until the next post, Assalam Alaikum! ("Peace be with you" in Arabic.)