In Idyll, there is a place that appears different to all who encounter it. It is best described as a river, but whether it is a clear-glass stream or a lake of blood-thick ink, whether the building in the centre is a new cottage or a skyscraper ruin--or whether this structure exists at all--depends on the individual. This is The River Windrose, named for the petals that drift with the wind to the spaces of the unconscious.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Wen's Plush


I'm on spring break right now, so to encourage myself to do more and post more, I'm going to be posting every day on this blog :). I don't know if it's going to be writing or pictures or what not but I promise a post every day from today until Friday! :) I can't guarantee when they'll be posted, but it'll be before 23:59:59 each day ^_^

At Macia's suggestion, I read Zettai Heiwa DaisakusenAll in a single sitting, basically, which just goes to show how I spent a rainy Sunday. Similar to Reimei no Arcana, Zettai Heiwa Daisakusen is about Princess Euda, hailed as a holy maiden in the south and Prince Johanne, hailed as a war hero in the north. To bring peace to their countries, the two faked being in love and got engaged, even though their relationship was actually antagonistic away from the cameras. It seems to end after the first few chapters, but trust me, once the r
eal plot picks up, it's spellbindingly sweet and impossible to not finish. (Yes! It's a completed series! =D!)

The other recommendation, Kaichou wa Maid-sama (Class President is a Maid), I'm only on chapter 13 of, but I really like it thus far! The idea is that Misaki Ayuzawa, the Class President of Seiko High School, puts on an aggressive and dominating persona towards the 80% male population at school, but after school she works at a maid cafe, where she is very sweet to the "masters" (patrons of the cafe). In order to keep her reputation at school, she can't let anyone know about her part-time job. There are some plot twists I was able to predict, but then again I'm not even half-way finished ^.^

I'm a sucker for romance, anyone can tell. >.<

Wen's Plush
As promised, a post-worthy post a day!

This is also on deviantART here.

This is actually drawn a long time ago, but I only just got around to coloring it. The story goes, I was fishing around in my many many files of character profiles and roleplay profiles when I stumbled upon this line: "Notes: He likes fast planes and cute plush dolls? (Not that he'd ever admit to the latter.)"
Me: O_O< WELL! THAT was a surprise.
I liked it enough to not change it though, and doodled this. I remember that when I wrote the list on the side that it was supposed to resemble Wen's handwriting...I don't know about that, but sure! Why not.

Just in case: Wen is from a few of my stories on Drawn in Words. In order of appearance (and chronology):

Hope you liked! (Or are at least mildly amused.) Until next time tomorrow then!
~Minerva Wu

P.S. lolol 23:59:29! I'm not late!
P.P.S. I don't know why the timestamp says 9:38....guess blogger doesn't have daylight savings time?


  1. Sounds like a great idea that you'll be posting every day! I'm excited to see what you'll be sharing. :) Plus, I'll make sure to look in to those mangas you recommended.

    I found Wen's handwriting pretty neat. The plushie comment is a surprise. It's kind of like one of those random Sim secrets. Anyways, thanks for sharing the pretty amusing post~

  2. Glad you liked the mangas :P
    I'm going to have to go read up on Wen now! lol
