I'm very sorry about not posting Thursday and being late for Friday's post; something came up literally at the last minute and I was unable to post. I am however, making up for that: I just posted a new little snippet on Drawn in Words, titled Arrival and as the title indicates, am also posting the next 5 entries of Project ECA!
I've edited the part 1-5 ECA post to include the comment blurbs! Unfortunately, I haven't been told or asked anything, but I'll try my best! If you think like you get it, ! It'd be wonderful to get feedback from people both with and without these additional comments.
Hopefully Project ECA hasn't been too terribly confusing thus far, and my little observations are of nice entertainment value! I know this is a terribly long for a blog post, so thank you very very much for reading this much! You're awesome! :D
This marks the end of Spring Break for me! I've already got homework to see to for next quarter, which promises to be extraordinarily hectic, but I'll do my best to keep posting consistently. As always, thanks for reading! ^_^
~Minerva Wu
6. Obsession
“Celestine, it’s useless…she’s gone.!”
“I have to know!” Celestine chased after her mother, her hair a blue whirlwind behind her. “Mother!”
“You came back?” her mother asked questioningly, though she neither stopped nor turned.
“You have something I need!”
“Do I?”
“Syeniar. My middle name.”
She stopped. “Come. Come with me…and I’ll tell you which you were named for.”
“…No…I’m…I’m going with dad.”
A shrug, and the woman moved onwards. “Then you’ll never know.”
“You can’t do this!”
“Watch me.” Then without looking back, Celestine’s mother walked out of her life.
“I’ll find out…without you.”
7. Eternity
In the beginning of the second week, Elysia found Arlin crying in their room, a crumpled letter in her hand. The temple sister waited calmly until Arlin spilled out the tale. Her great-uncle was gone.
“He-he left me nothing but a poem,” she sniffed. At the end of the letter, calligraphy in the dead man’s own hand, was the old poem and prophecy supposedly written by the spirit of the sun:
“Three will answer the clocks of fate
Travel the trails to find the gate.
Redeem the princess of false schemes,
Restore to life the land of dreams.”
8. Gateway
The other students would all be at dinner now, Arlin supposed, stroking her dragon animus. She sat with her right shoulder against the cool metal and her eyes gazed beyond the weavings of the gate. Her white hair was tied up, albeit in an odd way; her clothes were clean and crisp as always; and her school bag was ever by her side.
For a moment the air was still and the earth silent. Fire and water danced patiently within her, at peace and at rest in their constant motion. She liked it here. Between two worlds. Between all worlds.
9. Death
“I don’t really know who my parents are. It doesn’t matter,” Elysia shrugged, “What about you? You don’t seem to care for your mother too much.”
“I wouldn’t want her dead though!”
“I never said that, did I?”
“Well then, I don’t know.,” To herself Celestine said, “She has to exist. She still owes me information.”
“Greetings, Arlin. Gates again?” Elysia asked.
“About my great-uncle.” Arlin touched the white ribbon in her hair that day. A pause. Silence.
“I’m sorry,” Celestine whispered.
Arline smiled grimly and looked to Elysia, nodding in agreement. “Death…leads to reincarnation.”
10. Opportunities
They seemed to walk in a line, with Arlin skipping ahead, Elysia strolling ambivalently behind, and Celestine nervously behind them, as if she wasn’t sure whether she was supposed follow or not.
“You’re moping behind again?” Elysia waited.
“Sorry!” Celestine hurried to catch up. Also as usual. By the time they reached the bulletin outside the dorm, Arlin had summarized the board and chattered about it on the rest of the walk.
“….and there’s this campus beautification project which sounds fun! We should sign up!”
“No thanks,” Elysia unlocked the room.
Elysia sighed. “Celestine?”
“Well, It’s an opportunity, right?”
Comment Blurbs
6. Obsession
For clarification: Celestine's dad says the first line, and the rest of it is a dialogue between Celestine and her mother.
So Celestine has this obsession with finding out what her middle name means. Or more specifically, "which" Syeniar she was named for. Here's where her confusion comes from: In their world, there is a prized sword called "Sye'niar". However, there is also a prized zeinband (think of it as a basketball/ other object used in a sport) called "Syen'iar". Both these objects are spelt (and pronounced) similarly. Celestine's full name is Celestine Syeniar Sesium, without an apostrophe at all. (yea, all three of these girls have long names, haha). She doesn't know which one she's named after and wants to find out from her mother, who was the one who originally came up with her middle name for her.
Unfortunately for Celeste, her mother doesn't really want to tell her. But beyond this, it's uncertain why she stuck with her dad and has such a hostile relationship with her mom.
7. Eternity
Insert dramatic prophecy-poem!
Basically, Arlin's great-uncle just died, and left her a handwritten copy of a poem that was supposedly written by the spirit of the sun, Ivarine Callias. (Yes, this Ivarine. I just reused her name in another world.) Why her great-uncle? The story goes, I was messing around with all my characters and re-drawing their family trees and editing their background stories and such. At the time I was revising/ writing this part, her great-uncle was supposed to be someone somehow significant. Now that I've finished placing most of the Sixteen though, Arlin's great-uncle is nonexistent/ not named.
This is actually an edited version of the this prompt-theme. I'll post the scraped scenes in a later, bonus post ^_^
8. Gateway
So here we see the usually animated Arlin, completely quiet and mellow, sitting by the school gate with her animus, the dragon Murantagh. Arlin's just taking her daily meditation moment by the gates, which is currently the most peaceful place she can find.
Alright, I admit I mussed up here. Universities wouldn't really have school gates or fences. Originally this was going to be a high school though, and before that it was intended to be a fanfiction. And Alatus Institute has a gate. Beyond all of those...I invoke artistic license?
9. Death
I think the only confusing thing in this entry would be the white ribbon that Arlin references. In asian cultures, white is the color for mourning; wearing white in the hair means a death in the family.
10. Opportunities
The order they walk in is Arlin---Elysia-------Celestine, just in case it was a little confusing. This entry also introduces the Campus Beautification Project...which was just some random club thing I thought to stick into the mix. It comes up again though.
Parts 11-15 await here!
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