In Idyll, there is a place that appears different to all who encounter it. It is best described as a river, but whether it is a clear-glass stream or a lake of blood-thick ink, whether the building in the centre is a new cottage or a skyscraper ruin--or whether this structure exists at all--depends on the individual. This is The River Windrose, named for the petals that drift with the wind to the spaces of the unconscious.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Homework and War


That's actually a pretty ironic description of the post today given that I wouldn't mind waging war on homework. Of course I'm so lazy that I'd probably save more glucose doing the homework than complaining so much about it >_<. I'll get to it once I get to class, which will be right after I post this thing.

Pretty news today! "Prologue" is finally up on Drawn in Words! Comment please!

As for this blog, I have another surprise: poetry! lame attempt at it at least. I'm not usually a poet, but I was helping my brother with homework and have some stuff to show for it.

This first one is entirely me. A bit of a play on words/ word, I wrote it while procrastinating (that's not very informative as I'm always procrastinating something or another). I don't know what kind of poem it would be, and I remember getting criticized that this form of writing "isn't even a fawking poem" (yes, they spelt it like that). Something about not using poetic devices? I'm so confused now. Anyways. Poetry of batch of words arranged funny, here is "Homework":
Is lame
It chases me
Until I finish it.
It stalks my every thought
It butchers and buffers my grade
Alas! It encroaches upon my
Dwindling time. If only
Homework was

This next one actually isn't mine, but my brother's for his school project with a few touches I added. I'll say a few more things after, but I think it's best to see for yourself the "Legion of War":

To war!

Quarrel and quarrel and quarrel

lead fatefully to battle.

The legion stands in form,

Blood in its fingers,

Death in its vessels.

By dawn there is frenzied battle,

By dusk there is pointless massacre

Both legions are reaped by the same blade

Into Death’s benevolent embrace.

The victors live to see:

No one has really won.

And in the knights that follow

they die a thousand times,

Haunted by deaths and quarrels.

Most of that free-verse was written by Mr. Dungeon Phone/ Matthew Yo (both aliases. Personally I think the former is more creative.) Structure, content, most of the word choices actually. I did add in a few points in though :
  • The word quarrel. Everywhere you see it. He had something like "conflicts lead endlessly to battle" but we changed it to a different word. He came up with the word and I came up with how to use it.
  • "by dusk" in favor of "in the the end".
  • That line "into Death's benevolent embrace"
  • This isn't really an edit/ contribution, but I actually changed "knights" to "nights" thinking it was a typo. However, in the end I changed it back to "knights" because I liked the pun. You know, in the people that follow.
  • The last line, "Haunted by deaths and quarrels" but everything else about the ending is exactly how he wrote it.
Does it surprise anyone that I was thinking about Hunger Games the entire time? I don't think my brother was though. Just me. I think it fits though: knights= tributes, quarrel= Dark Days, legion= Capitol.

Anyways, I have to rush to class now or I'll be late. Hope you enjoyed the poems/ attempt at poetry. Please comment, subscribe and I'll see you in the next post!

~Minerva Wu

P.S. Does that last sentence make me sound like a YouTube video poster person?

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