In Idyll, there is a place that appears different to all who encounter it. It is best described as a river, but whether it is a clear-glass stream or a lake of blood-thick ink, whether the building in the centre is a new cottage or a skyscraper ruin--or whether this structure exists at all--depends on the individual. This is The River Windrose, named for the petals that drift with the wind to the spaces of the unconscious.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Otome: Top Ten

So like I do with manga, my top ten (in terms of stories I liked) of all the otome games I've read thus far are: 
  1. Hideki Ishigami (Her Love on the Force)
  2. Yuta Kajima (My Forged Wedding)
  3. Takuto Hirukawa (Thief X)
  4. Issei Sezaki (Kiss of Revenge)
  5. Ayumu Shinonome (Her Love on the Force)
  6. Homore Midorikawa (Class Trip Crush)
  7. Elias Goldstein (Wizardess Heart)
  8. Ivan Chernenkov (Be My Princess 2)
  9. Takashi Ninagawa (Scandal in the Spotlight)
  10. Byron Wagner (Midnight Princess)
I say top ten but really these are just the handful that I really liked.

So.... generally: quiet/ aloof, smart/ genius-type. Which usually comes with a bit of arrogance and teasing that I've gotten used and can tolerate.

Things I've learned from otome games (this is a jest; don't take me seriously here):

  1. Every guy has a sweet tooth (at least in otome games). It's sugar for the brain.
  2. Liking the same kind of food is a sign of destiny. 
  3. Everyone has a super-fit body no matter what they do for a living or what they eat/ don't eat.
  4. Pretty people can be trusted. AKA Villains always look evil. 
  5. Geniuses are jerks. Arrogant jerks. But they will reform.
  6. Persistence is endearing. So is cluelessness. And clumsiness.
  7. The more rude someone is, the more it means they secretly care about you. Aka everyone is tsundere.
  8. Flirts and playboys will still fall for you because of [generic reason] that they could find in everyone. #protagonistpowers
  9. Your niceness will definitely get to people. People will become better people when you let them push you around.

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