I'm really brief with some of them because there's a lot and I didn't have much to say about some of them.
My favorites are marked with stars (*).
ARISA (complete)-- I breezed through this a while ago. A dramatic read, but I liked it. The characters made me mad, but I think that was why I enjoyed them so much.
Cage of Eden (complete)--I was inspired to read it because it's a survival, Lord of the Flies-esque premise where a plane crashes on a strange island in the middle of nowhere. It's pretty good as a plot but I can't get over the absolute sexism. Almost every girl exists almost solely as eye candy for the boys, and the few who can stand their own are still inferior to the boys. Absolutely aggravating. Also I didn't really like the flashback ending, even if it answered some questions.
**Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun (ongoing)--I had started this one earlier, didn't really understand it at first and came back and thought it was absolutely hilarious. There's also an anime :D
Good Morning Call (complete)--Cute! I feel like the end is rushed a little, and that made me very disappointed, but otherwise I remember enjoying this one.
High School DxD (ongoing)--I actually caught up on this a while ago but I apparently didn't write about it. Action-packed shounen with magic and school life. The protagonist is strong, and there's a harem thing going on that I found a little awkward because the protagonist's intentions towards half of those girls are pretty platonic. Notwithstanding, great read and I miss reading this one. I heard the anime has gotten further.
*Kimi ni Todoke (ongoing)--I loved the beginning and the development of the main couple! Recently it seems little slowed down but I would definitely still recommend.
Midnight Secretary (complete)-- Forsaken kept talking about vampires so I was like "oh ok, I'll look at this!" It's quite a bit of smut, but still an nice story, and the protagonist is a great secretary X). Vampires and Secretary. No but seriously I respect this protagonist. If only her love interest weren't such an asshole.
**Noragami (ongoing)--shounen, and probably one of my favorite so far. Gods have the ability to take dead spirits as vassals and tools and the god Yato is trying to be a god of fortune despite his destructive nature. There are a lot of puns that are hilarious or insightful once you get the wordplay. (The hardcopy version has pages explaining all the puns and cultural references and I think scans have parts of these or translator comments explaining them.)
Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji (ongoing)--Another one I've been following for a while but didn't write about. I've really liked a few key scenes, but overall the recent mini-situation every chapter isn't captivating me. There might be a scantalating problem too because a few situations seem to build up, and then get randomly immediately resolved.
Real Fake Princess (complete)--Chinese manhua about a princess being reinstated into her birthrank while dealing with the ridiculous requests of her brother the Emperor. I appreciated the ridiculousness of the Emperor actually. While I didn't find the romance particularly reasonable and didn't like the protagonist very much, I do like the story and the art.
Zetsuen no Tempest (ongoing)--Really mind-blowing trains of thought.
UPDATES on manga previously mentioned:
Hirunaka no Ryuusei (Daytime Shooting Star) is COMPLETE! Personally I enjoyed the ending and my ship sailed XD.
TOP FAVORITES FOR MANGA, including ongoing:
I include everything except CardCaptor Sakura and Bakuman because those would dominate every list ever, in manga or anime. (Side note, :D) I have also left the Ability Shop out of this list because it is a oneshot; it would however, make this top list somewhere.
- Skip Beat
- Noragami
- Fairy Tail
- Last Game
- Watashi wa xx Shinasai
- Witch Hunter
- Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu
- Daytime Shooting Star
- Kare Kano
And while I'm talking about stuff to read/ watch, AVENGERS!!!!!!! Age of Ultron was amazing and the action was incredible and the feels and synergy was spectacular. My only complaint is now I have to wait until they make Avengers 3 to see what happens next >:(
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