Hello! I arise from the graveyard of my grades and school.
------School and the Past.
Even with the hiatus, this quarter didn't work out as well as I hoped it would, though I've yet to see my final grades. Oh well, I'll deal.
-------Writing and the Present.
I actually didn't finish anything officially. I was inspired by a friend's progress in her own story though, and have revised my writing goals. This involved dropping (at least for a while) the Drive-By concept. I have a few scenes written longhand in a notebook and these might be typed up and recorded. I am also not going to try to (for the 5th year in a row) write Edge in a month. There are still so many psychological questions I want to think over myself before I cause a ruckus.
------ Life and the Future.
For now I will try to work on Sun Dagger and Ink Academy, two episode-based stories that I would like to start too. I will try to keep these Friday/Monday mosts entertaining. XD
Until next week (or whenever I find some post-able content) then!
EDITed for spelling.
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