In Idyll, there is a place that appears different to all who encounter it. It is best described as a river, but whether it is a clear-glass stream or a lake of blood-thick ink, whether the building in the centre is a new cottage or a skyscraper ruin--or whether this structure exists at all--depends on the individual. This is The River Windrose, named for the petals that drift with the wind to the spaces of the unconscious.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

ECA 83-86

Hello! This is Minerva, here for my (somewhat late as usual) weekly post!
PORO! <3

Winter break ends in a few days! I need to get into serious school mode after a winter vacation of lounging around playing League of Poros.

That being said, I would like to make my Winter Break summary post before I get too far into school; thus, instead of an ECA post, next week is my rant on the stuff I read/ watched/ played this last month.

The second to last ECA story post will be the week after that!

83. Breakfast
Anuna rehashed the situation over a dinner of cereal and milk: “My mother, the Queen, fell ill; I was framed for poisoning her and banished. Rhys is aligned with the real poisoner. My father, the King Consort, hasn’t found a way to revitalize her or Curtain of Lights that holds the Land of Dreams together; The rift corresponds to a tear in the Curtain. I’ve discovered I can mend it, but I’ll need to restore my full abilities first.”
Elysia added calmly, as though this was normal breakfast discussion: “Given the portal, they're making their move now. We’ll need backup.”

84. Echoes
Celestine dangled her arms over the rail by the cliff, pondering what Vesper had said about the face of the target and trying to grasp Arlin’s favorite, meditative feeling: being on a delicate yet unbreakable balance between worlds. 
“They’re coming, Lyciar. The princess…” Princess. Princess.
She looked around for the quiet, echoing voice. 
“And the midnight sword?” Sword. Sword.
It was like her dreamscape, only Celestine knew she wasn’t asleep. 
“I see…we will fight.” Fight. Fight. 
She followed the echoes to an unrailed part of the cliff-site. 
“Defeat them here.” Here. 
“Here,” Celestine whispered, staring down. “It’s here.”

85. Falling
Just before they were about to jump down the portal, three griffins spotted and dove for them, screeching to any nearby monsters. Even the golem below them responded, climbing slowly but surely up.
The earth jutted upwards suddenly at Aldis’s command to shield the group. Vesper whipped out his wand. Celestine drew her bow, but Vesper stopped her: “Girls, go! We’ll take care of these monsters and find backup. Elysia’s right; this is over our heads.”
Elysia, Celestine, Arlin and Anuna hesitated for a moment before falling over the edge of the cliffscape, heading hopefully for the Land of Dreams.

86. Picking up the Pieces 
As ECA and Anuna spun through the portal., the world splintered into thousands of colors and sensations before rebuilding itself into a spacious dirt hall, bathed in piercing white light.
The four students stumbled drunkenly, mentally reorienting themselves. 
“Anuna, You’ve returned.” A man draped in light and a woman surrounded by elemental summons approached: King Lyciar Erkygon and Rhys Vesper. 
“To reclaim my ancilla abilities…” Anuna replied hesitantly. This was wrong. The light in the room was off. 

King Lyciar sneered. He flaunted his power, picking up sand grains and transforming them into his staff. “You face only destruction. Come.”

Comment Blurbs

83. Breakfast
 Given the situation, it was really hard to come up with a chill 100 words for the breakfast theme. So instead I basically used this as an opportunity to rehash what was happening and break a possible information-fast XD 

84. Echoes
Celestine wanders to the edge of the cliff, pondering what Vesper told her in part 81 (Only Human) trying to put herself in Arlin’s favorite mediative state of mind. However, the echoing voice that’s usually only in her dreamscape (or once in the Room of Clocks) is back, and this time just floating around her. She listens and feels for the source of the voices and discovers that she’s somehow hearing through the other side of the portal, where their opponents are getting ready to face them. 

85. Falling
As the group is about to go through the portal, another group attacks, threatening to follow them through the portal. Aldis and Vesper stay to defend while the girls go through the portal to seal the rift on the other side. 

So even if they didn’t face it head on someone in the group would have to end up facing the earth elemental XD 

86. Picking up the Pieces
ECA and Anuna arrive through the portal to face the King of Somnia,  Anuna’s father, and Rhys herself. As the girls struggle to reorient themselves after bursting through a portal, Lyciar initiates the fight. 

For the record, Rhys got there before them, and has summoned the elemental summons so that they would work autonomously for her. That way, she can concentrate on using her multi-elemental magic barrages she started way back in the Vengeance post (part 17)

NEXT SET (87-91) --will be posted in a fortnight!

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