In Idyll, there is a place that appears different to all who encounter it. It is best described as a river, but whether it is a clear-glass stream or a lake of blood-thick ink, whether the building in the centre is a new cottage or a skyscraper ruin--or whether this structure exists at all--depends on the individual. This is The River Windrose, named for the petals that drift with the wind to the spaces of the unconscious.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Status update!


*dodges rotten fruit*

Ahahah I realize I haven't made an update for another .....[insert large number] weeks months >.<" Last quarter was a little more hectic than I thought it would be. I'd try to write up a list of all the excuses I could, but I figure you'd prefer I just write something and continue on with one of the stories. I have some stuff to update on first. If you'd rather skip it, the writing bit is at the end. stuff to note! This quarter I completed my first entire sketchbook! It's about 100 pages long, and took a little more than 2 months to complete, but it's complete! I feel like I have improved, but unfortunately I've nothing to post to show for it at the moment. Maybe soon.

In gaming news, I have started playing Smite with some college friends! :) But as Smite is not very dependable on my computer, I usually substitute that with League of Legends. Ahaha yes, I have been sucked into the MOBA community XD.

In writing news, I realize that ECA and Sun Dagger have (as a result of my unintentional hiatuses), been on hiatus themselves. Here's what's going to happen (at least in my head):

1. ECA: This is my primary active project. I hope to finish it by the end of July at this point. And once complete, you can definitely expect consistent updates of it!

2. [Collab]: I'm writing a collab with another friend. It won't be posted here unless she wants it to, but that's another active project we're "pushing" (to adopt some gaming terminology).

3. Dream's Edge: I am going to be cleaning this up a little and prepping it for a rewrite later in the year. Basically it is on hiatus until NaNoWriMo 2013. At least, so is the plan right now.

4. Sun Dagger: I'm eager to get back to Sun Dagger as well, but there are a few projects (not only those mentioned) between ECA's and Kaza's story. At present, consider this officially on hiatus. 
edit: I just noticed I never posted the fourth/final part of "Slate 1" or the second part of Ani's Cheat Sheet! T_T! Dunno when I'll update those.

This summer should be better off in terms of creative productivity. I'm trying my best to get a job, and I feel like a little creative spark has returned! (At least compared to the school year).

And now, for all you lovely, patient, little bunnies, a random scene.

"I am a twisted person."
"You are. You're definitely twisted."

The grass grew tall here, green petals splayed lazily out in the eternal sunshine. He was lying deep in this green glade, the grass pillars stretching into the sky a hands-length from eyes of the same clear color. Beyond that was endless blue sky, clear without a cloud or bird to mar its continuity. 

He sat up, breathing in the sweet scent of flowers carried by a light breeze that tousled his golden hair as it did the field of grass. The hills of tall grass--tall, but not so much as to be a nuisance--ran to the end of his sight, interrupted only by a scintillating lake that threw crystal reflections back wherever a sunbeam danced on its surface.  Pouring into the lake from his right side was a healthily bubbling line of a creek that followed a curving path that resembled the long scar from his right hip to left neck.

Elias could sit here forever, watching the grassy hills roll endlessly into the distance, watching the creek chase the sun, scrutinizing the thin line where the land touched the sky. He was warm, comfortable, peaceful here. This was Heaven.

But somehow he always became lonely, or sought to search for the origin of the creek. He would turn around, knowing he wouldn't like what he would find, yet unable to resist looking anyways. 

Behind him the land was dead. On one side of the creek the grass was green and bright and on the other side the earth dropped away into a monotone expanse. Rifts stretched jaggedly across the wasteland, searching for a horizon past the cragged peaks that loomed, even from this distance. The creek that divided meadow and desert slowed, meandering sluggishly through a crack.There was no sun, yet devious mirages played his worst moments on repeat. No warm, gentle wind comforted the cold.

A bolt of lighting flashed up to storm clouds that leered perpetually in the air, and with it followed a snippet of a life his, yet not his: a past life. These delusions were not just illusions of his mind's insanity. They were reflections of another world, a world now gone but a world that could still be. And this was what gnawed at the hallow of himself that lived now: knowing he made these mistakes, and knowing he could make them again.

But the most painful realization was that once he turned around to see this bleak desert of memories, he couldn't turn back to the peaceful hills. This was Hell, and Heaven was lost to him forever. 

"I am a twisted person."
"You are. You're definitely twisted. But I think everyone's twisted. Everyone's a bit of a paradox."

(Sounds familiar? In my attempt to motivate myself out of an inspirational slump, I rewrote the beginning from a songfiction from a few years back, keeping a lot of the phrases but expanding it a bit. Hopefully there's improvement!

And yes, there'll be a serious update...Sunday?)

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