In Idyll, there is a place that appears different to all who encounter it. It is best described as a river, but whether it is a clear-glass stream or a lake of blood-thick ink, whether the building in the centre is a new cottage or a skyscraper ruin--or whether this structure exists at all--depends on the individual. This is The River Windrose, named for the petals that drift with the wind to the spaces of the unconscious.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Nov 5: "Elementary"

Hey! Random status update!

I'm at 7016 words right now (actually 7033 since I added a few subheadings), which is a little behind, which is really bothering me, but not enough for me to panic. Yet. *Proceeds to panic*

I've been writing mostly chronologically with a few snippets out of order as they spring to mind or clammer for attention. It's actually not that hard, with four characters to switch between whenever I get tired of one person's perspective.

In other news, I saw Argo and Wreck-It Ralph yesterday at the theater. (*Sigh* Why does everything have to happen in November? T_T" ) The former was pretty good and definitely very good at establishing the tension of the ex-filtration CIA mission to rescue six escapees of the Iran Hostage Crisis.  Personally though,  I preferred Disney's Wreck-It Ralph, which is about a video-game villain that game-jumps in his quest to be good and the other characters he meets, including his colleague Fix-it Felix Jr., Sergeant Calhoun from Hero's Duty and Vanellope von Schweetz from Sugar Rush. Amazing characters and a cute tale. A definite must-see.  (Trailer!)

Anyways! Thanks for reading! Here's a short 366 word clip from the end of the first part  of my NaNo project to keep you entertained :)

It would be awesome to get some ideas on how to give the end more of a punch too :) I also think the end part is a little...too brief. But please! Any constructive criticism welcomed! I'm trying not to edit too much until December, but it'd be great to get some ideas now too! :)

Chapter 1: The Last Day of School
Part 1: Elementary

Auris stopped again. Emile stopped, getting impatient. “What now?” he asked exasperatedly. 
“You just said they lock the backstage doors so civilians using the auditorium can’t get into the school.”
“Yes. I know what I said.”
“But the backstage doors were unlocked. That’s how we got here.”
“Yes, I know that. What are you trying to say?”
“Isn’t there something wrong with that?”
Emile shrugged. He supposed it was odd, but nothing worth worrying about. Maybe the janitors just hadn’t gotten around to it. “And if the janitors are still here, then we should be able to get one of them to open the door for us!” 
Auris looked skeptical but Emile decided he was just being a bore, as usual. “There’s no way they could have gotten the key to that as well,” he assured. “The key to this auditorium stays in city hall unless they need to close it for repairs or maintenance or something. My dad works there, he would know.”
“Okay…what else do you think it would be though?”
“Ghosts?” Emile joked and laughed. “Let’s get out of here.”
They pushed through the curtain dividing the theater area from the reception and snack booth area. Emile could see the parking lot through the clear doors from here. He could see Miss Morinay’s car with the chipped blue paint. She was standing at the trunk, squinting at the school. He picked up his pace and grasped the door bar. He pushed and the bar gave way. The door was unlocked. He pushed through and the door opened easily, as it always had. It made contact with something firm, but there was more than enough room for two boys to slip out.
He had one foot out the door when he saw what he’d hit. Staring at them with black button eyes with a body covered in faded cloth rags and fingers made of plastic drinking straws.
Behind him, Auris screamed. 
Emile took a startled step back before lifting his hand to brush the doll away. He was about to remind the other boy it was just a prank when he noticed a set of straw-fingers wrap itself around around his wrist.


  1. Hello Minerva~
    Seems like you've been having a busy start of the month. Thanks for the link to that trailer. I'm looking forward to watching that new Disney film, haha. :)

    That's pretty neat that you're working with multiple characters~ I guess this gives you more freedom to shift perspectives and ideas instead of fixed on one viewpoint. I wonder if the account of each character will change. (like is there a particular style to each person's tone and thought process? I'll wait to see).

    Such a sudden start. I feel as if I just fell onto a page and randomly started reading without much background information. But, it's okay since this is a selected passage of your work in progress. Whoops, I need to remind myself this is the end of the chapter, not the beginning. There's a consistent pace with the conversations and the details regarding the setting, which is good.
    It took me a few times to pick up the details here (maybe it's because personally I'm having issues making connections to what's going on). I had to reread who was making the reassuring comment twice to follow the dialogue properly- I think it was because I thought "he" was referring to Auris (from the sentence before) instead of Emile.
    I know that the two guys entered the back side of the auditorium intending to mess around. You were trying to build slight tension of why was the back entrance so easy to slip in based from Auris's questions, which adds to the surprise at the end. Wait, which part of the room where they when they saw Ms. Morinay? I'm slightly confused about which door the two male characters opened. Was the door that they opened supposed to be ambiguous?

    Regarding the end, I think the twist around the wrist was a surprising wrap-up to the end of the chapter. I felt slightly creeped out with the description of voodoo doll. For some reason, I thought the fingers of the doll wrapped around Emile's neck. My mistake.

    My apologies. I'm not sure if this is much help this time. D: I'm a bit dry on ideas, right now. And I'm sorry for my misunderstanding and confusion in the recent passage.

    Good luck with NaNoWriMo!


    1. I'm not sure if there's really a distinctive style to all their perspective's actually... I'll try to work on that this coming month.

      I'm sorry it was a little confusing! I guess this segment wasn't the best to post, as it starts literally in the middle of the scene. >.<" I'll remember to fix that while editing! Thanks for the input!

  2. Wow, you've got a nice storyline going here. I like it - though I have to say, I still kind of miss the usual heavy fantasy narratives. You're always so good at those.
    I can't wait to see what happens! Suspenseful! haha :P.

    BTW, you up for a word war anytime soon? I'm sort of up on my wordcount, but I'm starting to lag behind, so I need something to force me to keep writing... email me ;)
