In Idyll, there is a place that appears different to all who encounter it. It is best described as a river, but whether it is a clear-glass stream or a lake of blood-thick ink, whether the building in the centre is a new cottage or a skyscraper ruin--or whether this structure exists at all--depends on the individual. This is The River Windrose, named for the petals that drift with the wind to the spaces of the unconscious.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Spring Ball Trouble 5/7: Thursday evening

Part two of Thursday!

This part was obviously entirely made up because there was no reference in the game that I could go off of. Actually, most of the story from now on is all me, though Friday morning is based off the possible date options.

I was asking a friend for a reason why a character would be absent from the ball and she said "Make her go to Alaska for a day." "Just a day?" "Yup." It was too random to pass up.

Breaking the fourth wall for a bit of fun:

Louis: Nick's still not back? Jeez I still can't beat the Markordalemon boss. I can't believe Norbert and Eileen beat him in just a few tries! And I'm supposed to be the gaming champ here!
Casayo: Actually I think Norbert is supposed to be. 
Jason: I'm not even sure why we're here. I don't really understand why the writer changed Eileen's family moving here to her coming to live with us. I mean, doesn't that just create more date opportunities for Eileen?
Louis: Hey, we're not date opportunities! I've got Wendy, Cas's got Fiana and that girl he dumped a while back and we all know you're obsessed with Gwen.
Casayo: I think it's because our writer didn't have any family decided for the Enlaika character except for me when she wrote this. That, and since the writer knew Wendy had a boyfriend--
Louis: Yah guys, there was another person in the writer's world who thought of me. Haha, I'm special!
Casayo: --and older sister, she probably wanted to create a pairing for the older sister and friends for the boyfriend. So...Eileen got stuck over here living with a bunch of college guys.... 
Jason: Which doesn't make any sense in any way, but I suppose we just have to accept that. I wonder if our writer's writer ever makes silly lapses like that. 
<pensive moment>
Casayo: You do know that she's making you think that, right? Why would she want us to think about that though?
Jason: Why did her writer make her write me thinking that?
<another pause>
Louis: Dude guys, you're making my head hurt. We're supposed to be in a silly romance story, not some profound whasit paper. 
Casayo: Hey, since we can see ourselves on tv, does that mean the the us of tv knows about us watching them on tv? Are they conscious of the fourth wall?
Louis:...Headache here? Let's just watch a movie.
Casayo: Sure. I found a dvd in the mailbox today.  
Jason: Did anyone order a dvd? 
Louis: Not that I know. What is it? Does it look good? 
Jason: (To himself: What if the writer sent it to us?)
Casayo: Looks pretty interesting. It's called Inception.

. . .
As I expected, Norbert was waiting for me in front of the school when I arrived. He was playing his game, but closed the system as he heard me approach. 

“Hey Norbert! I’m sorry I’m late! I had to pick up some books,” I explained. 

“No worries,” he said. “Ready for the arcade?”

“Let’s go!”

We discussed fighting games and their strategy as we walked, and eventually digressed to talking about Legacy of Lords. 

“By the way,” he asked. “I noticed you changed your avatar. Nice look!” He paused a beat. “Reminds me of a book character” he mused almost silently.

“Adelaide from Tale of the Darkest Star?”

 “Exactly!” he said with a smile. “Have you read it?”

I didn’t know how to respond to that, so stuck with honesty: “And loved it!”

“That’s neat! I’ll need to tell Alan there’s an Adelaide on Legacy of Lords as well now.  Anyways, it’s a very nice look you designed.”

I grinned. “Thank you! I usually change my avatar every week or so. Just so I have something new to look at.”

He laughed. “I’ve stuck with the same one for a few months now I think.  Ah, here’s the arcade. I can’t wait to see how you fight in Battle Blitz.”

I was no match for him. He beat me in three moves, leaving me stunned but grinning. 

“How’d you do that jump-spin-kick?” I asked. 

“Up-Side-A,” he said, showing me. “The sweep kick is down-side-A.”

I nodded. “Let’s go again then? I’ll put up a better fight this time!”

He laughed and we resumed. I did slightly better this time; in fact, I felt tremendously improved by the end of the hour, even if he’d only taught me a few new techniques. Subtle, slight improvement and a lot of fun. We joked about the games and agreed to meet online again the next afternoon. 

But there was no mention of the ball just the next day. Not even a passing comment. I was almost disheartened by the lack of response. 

But when I got home, I had a surprise waiting for me. I had just changed into a casual dress Wendy had picked out and was getting ready to go when a familiar bundle of energy burst into my room. 


I stared. “S-Samantha! Wh-what are you doing here?” I asked, but elation filled my heart. It was so pleasant to have someone from home here for a surprise visit!

“The championship football tournament was at school today!” she answered instead. “We—I mean, my school—won, of course. Oh, but I wander. There’re no classes tomorrow and I had nothing planned so I figured it was the perfect excuse to come visit you for the weekend!”

I was at a loss for words. Samantha’s one day rare off and she decided to drive all the way here to visit me instead of hanging out with her friends on the team at home? I wondered aloud if she should be celebrating with them and she smiled. 

“I’ve been invited to the team party Saturday evening, so it’s all good. Besides, who knows how long it would have been if I hadn’t decided to check up on you! You’re so shy!”

We both had to laugh at that and we probably could have gone on for hours just catching up but talking about football reminded be that my school’s team was now at the pizza parlour, their season-end party probably dampened by their recent loss. I brought it up to Samantha and Wendy before inviting them along. Samantha was squealing with delight before I was even finished.

Wendy glanced warily at Samantha and then me, but just laughed. “I’ll pass. You’ve got this one, Eileen,” she said happily. “Your brother’s volunteered to help cook and I can’t leave the kitchen to them or you might not have a place to stay when you get back.” She patted our shoulders. “Have a good time, girls!”

I expected a disheartened team when I got to the pizza parlour, but instead it was quite the party. Our team had placed second in the tournament and was ecstatic to have gotten that far. 

Samantha picked out Curtis faster than I did. “Eileen!” she whispered excitedly. “That’s the MVP Of the entire tournament!” I found Curtis surrounded by admiring teammates and spectators alike. 

I glanced at her and at Curtis, who hadn’t seemed to notice us yet. Another team member invited us to partake in the pizza and we helped ourselves. Samantha’s attention though, was fixated on Curtis.

Halfway through my second pizza an idea formed in my mind that I pondered with growing curiosity. It would probably kill any chance of Curtis asking me to the ball, but I thought it through, carefully picking my words.

Finally I smiled and asked, “How would you like me to introduce you to the MVP, Samantha?”

She gawked at me like it was the most unbelievable thing she’d ever heard. “You-You—know him?”

“Sure. He’s a friend,” I said. I didn’t add that he’d been a potential ball date.

We made our way through the throng. Curtis spotted me and waved.

“Hi Curtis! Congratulations!” I said, indicating the gleaming silver trophy in his arm.

“Ah, thanks!” he said. “I’d hoped for first, but this is great too. It’s the furthest our school’s ever been in league.”

“All thanks to you, MVP!”

He chuckled. 

“By the way, Curtis, I wanted to introduce you to my friend, Samantha Samar. She’s from my old school, but she came up here just for a chance at meeting the MVP in person,” I said. 

“Hi!” Samantha squeaked. 

“Hey, you’re the one-person cheerleading squad!” Curtis noted, surprising all of us. “You had some great energy out there!”

He chuckled and set the trophy down to shake her hand properly. “Thanks for cheering for all the teams,” he said. “You’re a real fan, aren’t you?”

I smiled. My work here was done. Ten minutes to seven I bid Curtis another congratulations, thanks for the invitation and good bye. Samantha assured me she knew the way back to my brothers’ apartment without trouble.

I caught Iris’s eye on my way out, but she didn’t approach me, only giving me a nod of the head in greeting. I smiled and waved, hoping that whatever had passed between us was now somehow over, but she only scowled and turned away before leaving herself. So much for that train of thought.

As arranged, I met Kenneth at the gate at exactly 7. 

“Hiya, Eilee!” he greeted. “Ready to go?”


“I can’t wait to introduce’cha to the other band members!” 

He didn’t have to wait long. When we got there, the drummer and other guitarist were warming up and didn’t notice us, but the lead singer greeted us enthusiastically. 

“Hi Kenny! Oh! You brought a guest!”

Her name was Melodie Eadoin and was a freshman at our school. She was cheerful and full of energy. I could definitely hear the energy of the songs in her voice. She seemed to like me from the moment we met, but I could easily have said the same for anyone; Melodie seemed to like everyone. 

I left my bag on the backstage couch and toured the area with Kenneth. Maggie, the drummer, and Raymond, the other guitarist, discussed a new short instrumental piece that they wanted to play that night with Kenneth. When I returned, I found Melodie flipping through my sketches of Sorin, Adelaide, and Turrek. 

“Are you a fan of the book too?” she asked me excitedly. “Oh! I’m sorry! It just fell out and I was curious! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” She said, tears forming before I could say anything. 

“Aww, hey, it’s ok! Don’t be sad.”

“Hey, ya draw too?” Kenneth asked, peeking over. “Mel, we’re on in 5! You ready and warmed up?..You haven’t even put on any makeup!”

“Yah, but…Please Eileen, can you do it for me? It’d be hyper cool if I could look like Adelaide while singing ‘The Purplish Star’!”

“Me?!” I exclaimed, surprised. “I couldn’t—“

She pouted. “My sister’s the only one here that knows anything about makeup and she isn’t here now.” Her eyes acquired devilish glint to them. “I want to look like Adelaide!” She pointed and my portrait of the character. “Like that!”

Kenneth glanced between us and the sketchbook and recognition seemed to dawn on him. “You’re a cool girl! And that’d look pretty cool, actually. Except I don’t think your current dress would completely work, Mel…the skirt maybe.”

I glanced down at the rough sketch and at Melodie’s pleading expression. 

“I’ll need at least 15 to 20 minutes.”

Kenneth turned. “Maggie! Ray! Your plan’s a go!” He turned to me as the other two cheered. “We’ll try. Good luck!”

I got to work immediately, using my own makeup kit to draw Melodie’s eyeliner and lip gloss. I remembered that the lyrics for the song had “We’ll reach gold/ before we’re old… find the royal violet star/ no matter how far” and added in gold and violet flecks to her eyeshadow. I braided a few strands of her hair down and gave her my pink hairclips. Nothing could be done about her blonde hair, but she had highlighted parts of it with dark pink and I arranged it so that these stands stood out.  

Next was the dress. Her current one was a lovely black and blue, and the skirt might have resembled the alien style Alan described, but It would take too long to alter the top. Instead, I gave her my long black jacket, and altered the collar of the dress with a few snips, and pulled the collar over the jacket.

Kenneth was stalling onstage now. “The next two songs we’re gonna play for ya are from our new album “Colors”. They were inspired by the recent novel Tales of the Darkest Star—“ energetic cheers told me how popular the book was in this town. “And as everyone here knows, Alan Rivers actually goes to our school!” More cheers. “Maggie was hoping that if there was a movie he’d use one of our songs. Ray said he just wants to be Turrek Lor’Cargon… Personally, I think he looks more like a Lor’Euqruk.” 

Laughter. I could hear Ray and Kenneth mock-battling with their guitars, strumming chords and making dramatic dying sounds. Melodie was trying not to fidget as much as I was trying not to stab her with a needle. 

“We’re actually waiting for Adelaide now, but she could be in another dimension for all we know. Sorin must be having lotsa trouble with the portals or the traffic in subspace must be heavy tonight.”

More laughter. I grabbed my scissors and cut the thread. “That’s your cue,.” I said, pushing the microphone in her hand. “Go!”

She flashed me a smile.“Well, it was a little hard without my faithful guards. Sorin and Turrek-- What is this human entertainment you were so excited to attend?

I heard cheers and gasps as she appeared onstage and smiled. Another job well done. I put my mini-sewing kit away and slipped through a side door to join the crowd.

Kenneth strum,ed the starting chords as Melodie, as Adelaide, continued: “I was left staring into at nothing but space and darkness…and a…a Blueish Vortex—“

Maggie came in on the drums as Melodie said the name of the song and it was almost as though they had rehearsed the entrance that way. 

The Super Soundwaves treated an enthusiastic crowd song after song and even a few encores. Their music had been amazing just to listen to, but now that I saw firsthand how Kenneth backed up Melodie’s singing with his own vocals to create the beautiful blend of music we heard. Live, they were even more amazing; whatever subtle cues they used, they worked: the entire band was in synch every beat of every song. 

Finally, at the end of the evening, Kenneth took the microphone and said, 

“It’s been a pleasure playing for you tonight and—“

“Are the Super Soundwaves playing tomorrow at the spring dance?” someone called. Kenneth glanced at Melodie, who answered that they would be contributing some music, but that they would be short on vocals. 

Backstage though, Melodie and Kenneth had a different idea. “Eileen, could you sing for me tomorrow night?”

“Ah, but—“

“I’m going to be in Alaska for the weekend,” she pouted. “Mom and Dad are leaving tonight and I’m going with them. Just for a few songs, Eileen? It’d mean the world to me. The band would gain so much exposure—even if it is just in name.”

I couldn’t say no to Melodie. “I’ll need lyrics.” 

They promised I could still go to the dance as a regular student—it’d only be a few songs for which I would be needed. But I didn’t imply I’d ever even thought of going with Kenneth or even that I would need a date. At the state of matters, he would have most readily asked me if I so much as hinted it, and that, I was certain, would break Melodie’s heart. 

It was only an hour before midnight when I bid my new friends good night and headed back home, insisting that I could find my way. 

“See you tomorrow night!” I called to Maggie and Raymond. I turned to leave when someone on the other side opened it and I found myself face to face with Iris. 

She glowered down at me for a long moment before saying, “So you’re the one who turned my sister into a silly  doll.”

Everyone stood in stunned silence before Melodie came to my rescue.

“But, SIS, I asked her too! And I so was not a silly doll, I was Adelaide, from Tales of the Darkest Star!”

I didn’t even need to look at Iris’s face to know she wasn’t Alan’s biggest fan. 

I don’t remember how I got out of that one alive. But in the end, Melodie and Kenneth convinced Iris that I had done a good job making Melodie recognizable as Adelaide, which was a good thing and had contributed to the evening’s success. Even Raymond and Maggie, both which seemed to be very fearful of their bandmate’s older sister, stuck up for me, though I suspected it was more out of the hope that if they stuck up for me now I wouldn’t mess them up at the ball. Iris let me go with a low warning about how I better not show up at the ball tomorrow and practically kicked me out, which I figured was the nicest she got.

When I got home, I felt really tired. Or maybe it was because of all those emotions? I still didn’t have a date—it was down to just Norbert and Alan now, I figured, but I was still very conflicted. 

Anyways, I went to bed as soon as I got home and fell asleep immediately. I dreamt a long dream about the ball. It was really beautiful: The school had been decorated with flowers and ribbons and I was wearing a lovely dress reminiscent of one of my sketches of Adelaide. I had a wonderful time in my dream, but I couldn’t see the face of my partner.


  1. I think this is my favorite part :P. You've done a great job adding context, I thought the game was really flat because it was focused on nothing but the dialogue itself. I also really love that you gave Eileen a character and the details about the novel are hilariously awesome! Can't wait to hear about the ball ~

  2. Ahh thank you!
    I'm very glad you feel that way! Adding context to the original game was definitely my main objective and I'm glad you like the novel details (they were the funnest parts to write).
    haha I'll go post the first part of Friday now then. :)
