In Idyll, there is a place that appears different to all who encounter it. It is best described as a river, but whether it is a clear-glass stream or a lake of blood-thick ink, whether the building in the centre is a new cottage or a skyscraper ruin--or whether this structure exists at all--depends on the individual. This is The River Windrose, named for the petals that drift with the wind to the spaces of the unconscious.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

ECA 26-30

It's been a while since I posted, but I finally have the next five episodes of ECA ready! :)
I've been extraordinarily lazy. I have been playing League and ipad games all day and nothing productive has come of that (except I finally have enough Influence Points (IP; the non-real-money League currency) to buy Diana! :D)

To make up for the lack of a post last weekend and the sporadic posting date of this one, there WILL be another post this weekend (Labor Day weekend). And if I finish an art piece in time (which I certainly hope I will, because it's been taking all summer :P) then there'll be two updates next week as well! :) For now though, please enjoy these 5 posts of ECA! As always, all the parts are linked to in the Index if you need a refresher after my horrible posting schedule XD.


26. Forever and a Day
“With the right spells…you can see eternity in these clocks…”
“I remember one…You like Wisteria, right?” Before Celestine could protest Anuna had cast the spell and they were watching Celestine and Vesper talk in a classroom. 
“But-but that was just yesterday!”
“Eternity. Anything. Whether it’s for ever or just a day..that’s uncertain. Hm…” The clock glowed milky white before young Elysia and Vesper appeared, glaring at each other. 

Anuna waited a beat before summoning another. The new image quickly cleared, but not before Celestine caught a glimpse of Elysia, Arlin and herself fighting to kill. 

27. Lost and Found
“I call it the Room of Clocks,” Anuna was saying, spinning lightly. Celestine gazed around them in amazement and wonder.
“Room of clocks…” Celestine breathed, meeting Anuna’s pink eyes. “How did you find this place?”
“Professor Nox showed me once.”
Celestine’s eyes widened, perhaps mostly at how casually she mentioned the senior magic professor. Anuna shrugged. “You lose stuff here though. I lost an entire set of scrolls…, And Professor Nox swears he lost lifetime’s worth of keys in here.”
“Could you find them again though?”

Another shrug. “I’m sure you could. With enough power, and with the right spells….”

28. Light
Her parents were still sleeping when Arlin finished breakfast and realized how much Elysia’s early habits had rubbed off on her; hopefully that habit wouldn’t leave her over winter break. 
With draconic Murantagh curled around her neck, Arlin wandered outside, boots crunching the snow underfoot on the path to the now-frozen pond as she had been taking every day since she returned. She breathed in morning dew. and watched a single ray of Callias’s sunshine touch the icy surface.

Today though, the light grew until she found herself staring at the visage of the spirit of Ivarine Callias herself.

29. Dark
Elysia paused her work in the temple fields and gazed over the ocean of wheat of her hometown. Lady Callias donned her mask of shadows, covering the horizon with color briefly before sinking into impenetrable night. Darkness swept over the land in a majestic sigh. 
Now was the time. In darkness, when no one could see, was truth.

Leaving her sisters in their shared room, Elysia brought her prized sword to the Sanctum of the Passed for the Blessing. “Spirits of times before, this was your sword. Grant me now the power and right to wield it as my own.”

30. Faith
“If… Elysia is back at her hometown for temple work, why… aren’t you?” 
Vesper paused his potion-making.. “Because I’m doing my service here.” 
“…Why can’t she?”
A shrug. He resumed working. 
His companion leapt, twirled and landed on silent blades before skating in front of him. “You… were both raised by the Holy House?
 A nod, another pause. 
“Arlin…she volunteers for a bunch of community service projects but she doesn’t call it temple work….. I… don’t see a difference though.”

“…Faith’s everywhere, Celeste. It doesn’t matter where we are, how we practice it, or what we call it.

Comment Blurbs
26. Forever and a Day
Just to clarify, there is only Anuna and Celestine in this segment. Anuna has the first line of dialogue, and they alternate. Anuna also demonstrates three spells on the clocks in the room: one that shows Celestine and Vesper talking in a classroom (recent past), one that shows the beginning of Elysia and Vesper’s rivalry (far past), and ECA fighting desperately (future). 

Anuna Erkygon was one of those characters that I had developed mostly in profile to a point that I needed to put her in an actual story in order to “experience” her and find out what about her personality actually worked and what didn’t. She started out as a name-filler, then became a roleplay character, and is finally debuting in ECA.  

27. Lost and Found
This episode reveals that the one before actually took place before this one, as the last line of this one, “With the right spells…” is the first line of Forever and a Day. 

This was originally the first time Professor Vesper Aurigae Nox was introduced, but I edited “Excuses” to introduce him then. 

There’s seemingly a very big problem with this one that I’m going to lampshade here: Anuna mentions losing scrolls and losing keys, but nothing seems to be really be found. Nothing is explicitly mentioned to be found anyways. I’ve gotten over this myself, but it’ll probably be a while before my reasoning is explained. XD

28. Light
Just in case this doesn’t ring a bell from the Eternity comment blurb,  the people of this planet call their sun “Callias”. This is because in their world, the sun is much like another spirit or aspect of a seraph (which is based on the Major Arcana of the tarot). 

I actually remember this came to me randomly while I was writing. AHAha. It’s really weird, but for some reason I liked it enough to keep it.  

29. Dark
This was not random/ inspired. This was eeked out word by word until I found something that seemed half decent.

So in Ivarine’s original story she had a power over light/ reflections and ice but then became the dark emperor’s bride and became the Lady of Shadows and gained abilities in darkness as well. I made her, in this world, the spirit of The Sun for the light, but also because no light is often connected with shadows/ darkness. That’s how that first part works. Note that Ivarine doesn’t become the moon. She becomes the darkness. :)

Elysia’s “sisters” are other girls that work/ have devoted their lives to the temple . (Honestly I don’t know why I call it a temple. I just mean it as a place of religious practice.) The Sanctum of the Passed can be also known as where the dead people are. Elysia feels that before she is allowed to use this shiny blade she found on campus (the one she found in Dead Wrong and talks to in My Inspiration) she has to get the blessing of the people who used it before her. 

Going back a little, that center line, (“In darkness, when no one could see, was truth.”) Is probably one of my favorite lines ever. There’s a lot connecting light with truth, such as the truth coming “into light”, and there’s a lot connecting shadows with deceit. I get this, but I was also thinking, it matters a little less what people do in the light where everyone’s watching and more what people do when no one’s watching. Sure, people can do deceitful things in the darkness and that would be their “true” self. But I trust good things can happen in the darkness too. :)

(I used this concept to get over a slight fear of the darkness, teehee.)

30. Faith

Ummmmm this one always bothered me. But I don’t feel much like changing it. Vesper’s point is supposed to be that there’s no point to differentiate between people who do things for a religious purpose and those who do it just to be nice people. Mmmmm no further comments for now.

NEXT SET (31-35)

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