In Idyll, there is a place that appears different to all who encounter it. It is best described as a river, but whether it is a clear-glass stream or a lake of blood-thick ink, whether the building in the centre is a new cottage or a skyscraper ruin--or whether this structure exists at all--depends on the individual. This is The River Windrose, named for the petals that drift with the wind to the spaces of the unconscious.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Character Meme!

Hello! I died, but have now been resurrected.

TL;DR: Wrote 50K for NaNo, life and school are kicking my ass. Will update the project plans page because stuff is going to change lol.

NaNoWriMo: MADE IT! I stopped updating the calendar during the week I kinda didn't write, but I still ended up writing 50K...of mostly silly randomness, but I at least wrote words? XD

Basically, with life screwing around with me I was completely unmotivated to write or really do anything. By the time Week 2 of NaNo rolled around I was barely at 12K. I wanted to give up. But then when I told Forsaken about it, she was like "'re just going to give up? You were so excited for it though!" and then my friend the TATAbox was like "that's ok even if you don't make it. Just write and try to reach 50K. If you don't make it, then aim for 70K by the end of the year."

I started with Zephyr but then ended up writing random stuff and then started writing interactions in a quasi-otome/ dating simulation game XD. More later on this project, called Princess of Skysoul.

Life: Uh yea, it sucks. This quarter has been just destroying me.

I donated platelets again last week and watched 50 First Dates. It was really cute! It's about a girl who has anterograde amnesia so she doesn't remember anything after a day and a guy that's dating her.

Writing: For the writing tidbit today I have a meme that Forsake also did. I ended up getting really into it, but I hope you enjoy it! Sorry if it's a little confusing because some of the characters aren't familiar!

Taken from [here]! Thanks!

WC: 4,332
1) Pick 6 characters in any order
2) Don't change the questions
3) Please don't look at the questions while picking characters, it's more fun if you don't! 
4) Tag 2-5 people to do the meme (if you want)
5) Have fun! 

1. Sonora Li
2. Evan Blackthorn
3. Hellani Collisar
4. Alina Zephyr
5. Rielle Noem
6. Nova Callias


1. Okay so first, introduce each other! [1] introduce [6], [2] introduce [5], [3] introduce [4] and vice versa. 
I did this at like a casual function of something of friends.
1 & 6—
“Presenting Nova Callias, the Fatespinner. I’m Sonora Li, representing Aileron Studios.”  
“This is Sonora Li, one of the best summoners I know. You can call me Nova.”

2 & 5—
“This is Princess Rielle of Frost. She’s great. And I’m Evan. You might know me better as Bladewater or frostswordOX12.”
“Evan Blackthorn—swordsman and…gamer. I’m Rielle Noem, at your service.”

3 & 4—
“Alina Zephyr, Object of Holena. I met her when traveling across the country. I am Princess Hellani Collisar, crown princess of Deathchasm. Pleased to make your acquaintance.”
“She is Hellani, daughter of the Empire and crown princess of Deathchasm. I am Alina, a deputy of Edihn. Have we met before?”

2. [4] What is [2]'s lover/crush and what do you think of him/her? If [2] doesn't have one, who do you think fits best with [2]?
4=Alina, 2=Evan

Alina: I believe he likes Sonora…sure, if they like each other they can fit together? I do not exactly have an opinion on the crushes of my friends. 

3. [6] has to pretend to be [1]'s boyfriend/girlfriend because [1]'s parents want someone to go out with [1]. [6] is not amused with [1]’s offer but does so anyway. How does it go?
1= Sona, 6= Nova

Sonora explained the situation to the Fatespinner, feeling a little awkward at taking his precious time for such a trivial matter. 

Nova raised an eyebrow at her, clearly perplexed. “Ehrm…sure. It’s no trouble for me. But wouldn’t it be better to ask Evan since you actually, you know, like him?”

“N-nononoo, that won’t do at all.”

Sona’s mother is not very impressed by Nova, except that he looks half decent. The fact that he came from a shepherd’s family doesn’t help either. Then she find out that he’s got powerful influences across the world. Then it’s all happy and she’s very impressed from there. Mr. Li is a little more suspicious. “You don’t seem the type to be so close with my daughter at all. What’s really going on here…?”

4.  Curiosity got to [3] and he/she went inside a haunted mansion. [5] is the owner and [3] finds out! Do they fight, run away? What happens?
3=Hellani, 5= Rielle

“I just want to see what it’s like!” Hellani contvinced herself. “After all, the palaces in Skysoul and Deathchasm are entirely different. I just want to explore. Yes. Yes.”

She wandered down the deserted rooms of the mansion. At the slightest movement, Hellani spun around, alert and ready to fight. There was a figure moving quickly down the hall. A light appeared between them. 


“You’re…Princess Hellani, right? Pleased to meet you! I’m Rielle, princess of the Frost. This is my place. What’re you doing here?”

“I was…exploring!”

“May I give you a tour?” Rielle asked cheerily, completely unconcerned that someone had just technically intruded in her space. Come to think of it, she hadn’t exactly been surprised… “I haven’t exactly had a chance to renovate the place. You could give me ideas?”

5. Oh no! [2] is in terrible danger and no one will help him/her! Though [2] believes someone will help him/her, who is it and how long will it take for [2] to realize? 

He was screwed. His scholarship didn’t carry over to the summer but he needed to take a class that was only offered in the summer. It was impossible. There was no way he could get another job or scholarship this late. 

Some part of him desperately wished someone would save him—anyone. But really, he’d always relied on his own strength to pull through. He told his few friends, but they weren’t in much of a shape to help him. 

He had no choice but to go and cancel his enrollment in the class. He was at the door to the administrative building when he caught sight of a blur in the air. He recognized rose-pink wings before they disappeared and their owner landed a few feet from him. She dashed over to him and pressed something in his hand. “For the class you wanted to take! Zina told me about it.”  

He unfolded the piece of paper she’d folded in his hand. It was a check from her own account, written out with exactly enough for two summer classes. “Sona—this… you can’t just…”

“You need to take that class to graduate, don’t you? And you wanted to take the other lab as well…I think you should go for it!” 


“And it’s cheaper to take two classes over the summer than just one.”

He could see she wasn’t taking no for an answer. “Thank you. Um…How can I pay you back?”

She blushed and looked away from a moment. Then she snapped her gaze back and looked him in the eye, resolutely “Would you like….” She faltered and started stuttering, but refused to look away in shyness. “I mean—…um…coffee?” 

Ok that wasn’t really terrible danger. Written in the same style, but different situation: 

He was screwed. His sword was on the other side of the arena and he couldn’t feel any magic around him. 

Some part of him desperately wished someone would save him—anyone. But really, who would help a castaway like him? 

Just in the nick of time, a flash of light blasted between him and his aggressor, holding them off. “Evan, get up!” a voice called. His sword came flying back to him, and when he caught it he looked around of his savior. 


“I’ll tell you later! I’ll stun him, so attack him while he’s open!” 

6. Everyone falls in love with [6], and [6] was pretending to be with [1]? When does [6] first find out and how does he/she fix the problem? Does [6] kiss someone or ignores it? How does it go?
With everyone fawning over him or flirting with him or otherwise hanging around him, Nova was starting to get a headache. Finally alone in the comfort of his room, he slapped his hand against his face. This, in addition to whole act of dating Sonora, was starting to creep him out. He looked around his room, intending to get back to reading that novel he’d started that morning but then remembered he’d left it in the dining hall. Great. If he wanted to get it back, he’d have to brave his five new admirers. 
Then a little knock came at his door. He opened it nervously, ready to blast them if they were holding flowers or chocolates. 
It was Rielle. She alone had seemed more or less normal in light of everyone suddenly falling in love with him. Well, normal as in she was just as shy but energetic around him. He ushered her in and quickly shut the door again. 
“Oh…I brought your book!” She handed him the book he had just been thinking about and he accepted it delightedly. “I was reading the same thing and was wondering…if you would like to read together.”
He accepted quickly and offered her the bed and some tea. He settled in on the rug himself, facing the window like one of the protagonists seemed to do a lot. Rielle’s light blue hair pooled on the ground and he took the opportunity to quietly examine the long strands for a moment before returning to his reading. Hours passed with only the sound of pages turning. Outside they occasionally heard someone squealing for Nova to come out and “play” with them.
Rielle gasped suddenly. Nova looked up and saw her tearing up as she stared at the book. 

“Where are you?”
“Vincent! He—He finally confessed to Seren! They kissed!” She was smiling as tears fell. Rielle looked up at him and suddenly her cheeks turned pink. “I-I really admire his bravery, that’s all. It means a lot to me…I um…would like that.”

Nova nodded and handed her a handkerchief before returning to the book himself. He wasn’t sure why the confession would mean so much to her, but to each their own. Personally, he wanted to read more about the window.

7. Burning house! Everyone must chose someone from each other, Save, Kill, Marry, Kiss and Sleep with? Who do each of them chose, and they must be from this meme.
I didn’t like this so did a simple Bed, Wed, and Behead for this (aka a FMK). 

1. Sonora— Bed Alina because she thinks it would be interesting and Alina probably has some crazy experiences. Wed Evan because she actually likes him and behead Hellani if anything because everyone else is already her precious friend (or a dearly beloved person of a precious friend)

2. Evan— Bed Hellani because she’s cute, wed Sona because she likes him and try to (and fail to) behead Alina because if he tried to touch Rielle or Nova, the latter would probably kill him. 

3. Hellani— Bed Evan probably, because he’s the only guy of similar age. Then wed Alina because Alina wouldn’t even bat an eye if she found someone else and wanted a divorce. Kill Sonora because she’s entirely too overpowered and dangerous. 

4. Alina— “I would probably bed Nova because as fellow Objects, it would be the least awkward afterwards. I would wed Rielle because the Princess of Frost is someone worth protecting and I could best protect her from her side. And…It would be pitiful that someone must die, but behead Evan because everyone else has an ambition or  responsibility that they nobly serve and are indispensable in. Apologies, Evan.”

5. Rielle— If she absolutely had to bed someone besides Nova, then maybe Sona because she’d be gentle about it…”hopefully…”. Wed Nova, definitely. Behead Evan because chaos people are creepy.

6. Nova— “Bed Sonora, Wed Rielle, Behead Hellani. Please don’t judge me.”

8. What did [5] think of his/her choices? Is anyone disappointed in [5] for what he/she chose?

Rielle: I-I would really rather not bed anyone before marriage and I definitely want to marry Nova so can I not?! 
Nova: I…was not aware your feelings were so strong, but…thank you…I think…
Rielle: We’re destined to be together! I know it!
Nova: You only read fates though. Fates can change.
Sonora: (whispered to Nova) You say that but you like her too, teehee. (Aloud) We can just sit and talk about our crushes if you’d prefer, Rielle!
Evan: Why do I have to diiieee?? D: D: I’m not creepy! 

9. Who is most precious to [3]?
3= Hellani

“My family.” Hellani smiled and looked up at the clouds. “My siblings grew up with me. We struggled together to make the most of ourselves despite our parents’ ambivalence.”
Then she looked back at her fiancée and took his hand gently. “But they’re not the only ones in my family. There’s you too. You’re going to be my family soon, and your family is my new family here in Deathchasm.
“I couldn’t just name one person. My entire family is just too important.”

10.  [1] bought two tickets to the movies for [6] and himself/herself. How does [6] react? Does [6] accept? Why or why not?
1=Sona, 6= Nova

Sona:, this is just a thank you present. I heard you just finished the book, so I found a film version of Under Black Wings…would you like to come with me?
Nova: Oh cool! Yea, sure!

Then, at the theater: 
Nova: I just realized…this would be considered a date, wouldn’t it?
Sona: Oh…yes…normally, I supposed it would. But it’s not a date if neither of us see it as one. We’re just going as friends.
Nova: Oh ok. Cool.

11. [2] is jealous that [6] is "going out" with [1]. Yet [6] and [1] are pretending! [2] decides to tell [4], what is [4]'s advice?
2= Evan, 6= Nova, 1= Sona, 4= Alina.

“She even confessed to me!” he was ranting now, and part of him was feeling very childish and silly, yet the larger part was still drunk on jealousy. “Why’s she dating Nova? I mean, I know Nova is stronger and smarter…ok he’s better looking too, but he’s younger than her! And she confessed to me!”

Alina leaned back, crossed her arms and propped her legs on the table. “Evan, you sound jealous.”

“Jealous? What, me? No way! I mean, it’s not like I mind; I’m happy if they’re happy but—no really! I don’t feel a thing! I’m just surprised!”

“Evan, I think you should go and talk this out with Sonora.”

“What’s there to talk about?!”

“You should tell her your feelings and ask her if she still feels the same way for you. Or if you can trust yourself to be calm and not act like an idiot, ask Nova himself what the situation is and how they started dating.”

“Why would I talk to Nova? I have nothing against him! Absolutely nothing! What—“

“Or if you are going to continue to rant and rave, you can at least do so to Rielle instead of me. She too was fretting that her beloved was dating someone else.” 

His attitude changed immediately. “Rielle’s going through the same situation? She’s so young though! I need to make sure she’s ok.” He left the room quickly. 

Alina facepalmed. Hopefully by the time he reached Rielle he would realize what obnoxiously obvious trivia bit he had missed. 

12. Where is [3]'s favorite place? In the park, cafe at a football field? Maybe even a bed? Tell us!
3= Hellani. 
Awkward moment when this girl is from a choose-your-own in which the options for her “usual place” could be anywhere from the courtroom to the running track to the kitchen to the auditorium. This is kinda a neutral answer:

“My favorite place would be my room,” Hellani said after deciding that her usual spot didn’t need to count as her favorite. “There are so many places to relax and I’ve got everything I need and enjoy within a few steps. It’s a perfect place to get work done or just unwind after a long day.”

13. [2] gives [6] a massage, how does [6] react?
2=Evan, 6=Nova

Their misunderstanding finally cleared, Evan offered Nova a foot massage. Nova didn’t reject, although he was a little surprised at the generous offer. 
“I always figured you could use it, the way you’re always training or traveling,” Evan told him. 
Afterwards, Nova decided that massages were very good things for relaxing the muscles, and that he would have to ask Evan not only where he picked up the skills, but also where he could obtain a back massage. 

14. [5] turns out to be a royalty! [5] tells [3] he/she wants to rule with him/her. Does [3] accept, or just think [5] is crazy?
5=Rielle, 3= Hellani
This was totally not rigged. Both of them are actually royalty. I twisted it a little:

Rielle was surprised when she was chosen to be queen over her sister, who had always been the preferred princess between the two of them. Her sister would have even connected better with the citizens because she had experienced life in every social class in her travels around the world. Rielle was just a lazy girl who had hardly left Frost since she was born. But if she was given this honor, she would do her best. 

She invited Crown Princess Hellani of Deathchasm to help her rule. It would be helpful to have the more experienced princess’s opinion, and definitely help secure the relationship between their territories. She formally asked the other princess at a small gathering. 

Hellani responded politely enough: “I’d be honored to help you as you’re staring out, Rielle, but I cannot rule with you indefinitely. I do have my own kingdom, after all.”

15. There is a sale on lingerie, [1] sees it and goes to buy it. Is it for [1]? Or a special person?
1= Sona

Sonora was nervous. It wasn’t just that she was going to shop for lingerie, which was definitely not something she should do as a respectable girl. And the misunderstanding between Evan and Nova had only just been cleared. She definitely wasn’t at that stage of relationship with anyone but…it was so pretty!

She disguised herself and everything before going and tried to make her trip as brief as possible, only pausing to try the styles and sizes before purchasing everything in cash and leaving as inconspicuously as possible. 

16. [6] sees [1] at the lingerie store, how does [6] react? Does he/she care?
6=Nova, 1= Sona

Even though the person leaving the lingerie shop with a big bag in hand didn’t look like the Sonora he knew, the magic aura the person had was definitely Sonora Li. After a moment’s hesitation, he shrugged and moved on to the bookstore a few stores down. This wasn’t his problem anymore. 

When Nova next saw Evan though, he wondered what kind of expression the other boy would make if he told her what he’d seen.

17. All six OC's are forced to live together, yet there are three bedrooms, two rooms have one double bed each (4 OC's). Another room has two single beds (2 OC's). Who sleeps with who? How do they resolve it?

Everyone reconvened in the living room quietly, thinking over possible sleeping arrangements. No one spoke. Finally, Sonora spoke up. 

“We’ll divide it by gender,” she said, articulating clearly and decisively. “The two boys could have the room with the single beds and we girls could take the larger beds.”

“R-Right!” Rielle piped up. “Sonora, you and Alina were teammates so you’d get along well already right? I wouldn’t mind sharing a room with Hellani. I could even sleep on a sleeping bag so you can have the entire bed to yourself.”

“Sure,” Hellani agreed. “I don’t mind sleeping on the floor either.”

Evan and Nova replied that they had no disagreements either. Then the Object spoke up: 

“Or,” Alina said straightforwardly, “Sonora and Evan could take one double room and Rielle and Nova could take the other and Hellani and I could have the individual beds.”

Hellani thought this made a lot of sense as well. “That’s perfect.” The couples could be together and she could get her own bed. She looked up at the scarlet faces of the other four. Yup, perfect. 

“NO!” the chorus of disagreement was instant and unanimous. Alina shrugged, overruled, and kicked her shoes off in one of the rooms with a double bed. 

Results of this:
Evan and Nova get along and become better friends. They end up pushing the beds to opposite sides to clear out a small area for playing games. The bedstand stays in the same place, and holds a constant pile of clothes.

Sonora and Alina are pretty neutral about each other. They try sleeping on opposite sides of the bed, but Alina ends up deciding that a sleeping bag is more comfortable and familiar. Their room is cramped with art supplies that both of them use. They become closer teammates, but not best friends or anything.

Hellani and Rielle are awkward at first but become great friends and allies. The room is split every evenly across the bed in the middle and they have two sets of blankets and pillows. They stay up late braiding each other’s hair and talking about anything from politics to magic lore and occasionally any love interests. 

18. Everyone is asleep except [5], what does he/she do? Go out and eat food in the fridge, play games or do karaoke? What happens?
5= Rielle

Rielle slipped off her bed quietly. She had slept the last two hours trying not to toss and turn so she wouldn’t disturb Hellani, but no longer. She slipped quietly out of the room and after a moment’s deliberation, tried opening the door glass door to the balcony. When it squeaked, she locked the door again and simply teleported outside. 

Her bare feet stepping silently on the cold wood, she leaned on the railing with her bare arms, staring up at the waning crescent moon and the winter constellations around it. It was chilly outside and at first she shuddered in her thin nightgown, but opted not to go back and blunder through her room in the dark to search for a robe or jacket. Instead, she lost herself in her thoughts. Their random visit was coming to an end. She didn’t know how to feel about going back to Frost—she enjoyed traveling, and seeing the world outside her little ice cube. 

The soft thump of someone landing on the balcony behind her made her turn around. Nova straightened, immediately taking off his characteristic cloak and draping it over her shoulders silently. She looked up, and realized he might have been perched on the roof earlier. “How long were you up there?”

“A while,” he replied, leaning against the railing next to her. “You looked cold.”

“I was controlling my body temperature,” she told him, reminding him of her thermal control abilities. “But thank you for the cloak.” She wrapped it around her, smiling a little. It smelled like him—a delicate balance of mint and a bit of sweat. A bit charred from stray mana hits, but also like freshly- dried cotton. “Why are you up?”

“I wasn’t,” he admitted. “I fell asleep on the roof.”

She smiled and turned her gaze up to the sky. “Stargazing?” 

“Sort of. What’s on your mind?” He turned towards her; she told him, eyes still cast towards the heavens. “Huh. You can travel with me when we get back if you want. The training master wants me to tour the area for extra practice.” Rielle looked down from the sky, her eyes alight at the offer. 


“Yea. You’re bright, and I could protect you from anything we run into.”

“But…wouldn’t it just be the two of us?” She had somehow stepped closer to him as they talked and was close enough to be whispering. 

Even Nova understood that. His pointed ears turned the slightest shade pinker and he looked away. “I-I don’t mind. So..if you want to…”

They were close enough that Rielle could feel the warmth from his body now. She moved her hand out, gently touching his hand. Their eyes met, and he didn’t shy from her touch. She leaned closer, closing her eyes. 

Their lips met. The kiss was soft and Rielle felt Nova’s uncertainty—the conflict within him even as she felt his arm wrap around her waist and his other hand cup her cheek. It was a kiss of inexperience but also gentle, genuine care. It was short, but sweet.

They separated after barely a few seconds, but remained close together, their foreheads gently touching. A small smile graced his features and Rielle felt a smile form over her own face. She opened her mouth in whisper. “I’d love to.”

19. [4] Is depressed about something, what does [2] do to cheer him/her up?
4=Alina, 2= Evan

When Alina hardly greeted them and went immediately to her room, Evan was sure that the sad feeling he felt was coming from the resident Object. He knocked on the door. “Alina? It’s Evan! May I come in?”

The door opened on its own, controlled by her telekinesis. Alina herself sat on the rug, arms crossed petulantly and staring at around 3 dolls floating in the air. One of the dolls turned around and waved an arm at him. 

“Hi. You looked um..upset. What’s wrong?” he asked, glancing nervously at the dolls under her control. 

She shook her head petulantly. “It is not of your concern,” she told him.

“Ok,” he replied quickly. But he couldn’t just leave her depressed like this, especially not after all the help she’d given him with the misunderstanding with Nova and Sonora. That must have taken a lot of patience. “Is there anything I can do to cheer you up?”

She appeared to give it a few second’s thought. “I am re-enacting the Forsaken’s Under Black Wings. Have you read it?”

He had. He remembered Sona mentioning the book was better than the film, and he had picked up Nova’s copy in curiosity. 

Alina blinked at him, then one of the dolls moved over and fell into his hand. It was a gray, stiff-eared rabbit in a suit. “You are Vincent. I am at the part where he is talking to his window and Seren and Gregory invite him out for a treasure hunt.” A small digital reader lifted up from the floor, already on the scene she’d mentioned. 

He daren’t comment on the childishness of the request. He found his line in the book and started reading. “My brother is playing with the prisoner again, dear window….”

20. The meme is over! Are they relieved or wanting more? Did you enjoy it? Don't forget to tag (if you are tagging)

Everyone’s more or less content with the retreat! :) And I definitely had fun. XD