In Idyll, there is a place that appears different to all who encounter it. It is best described as a river, but whether it is a clear-glass stream or a lake of blood-thick ink, whether the building in the centre is a new cottage or a skyscraper ruin--or whether this structure exists at all--depends on the individual. This is The River Windrose, named for the petals that drift with the wind to the spaces of the unconscious.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Roleplay Applications!

Hi there!
This is a middle of the week update, but I felt like posting something anyways!

Before NaNo, I finished two applications for roleplays on deviantART and wanted to share them here, where I rant unabashedly about my characters and their universe anyways. WARNING: this is going to be me just ranting about character backstories that will probably never really amount to anything.

Tea Essence: Jane Exina. [Link to dA full app] (Accepted! :D)

Aside from having the most plain name (as far as I know) in my stories, Jane's also one of those characters that I majorly changed a few years back when I re-warped my entire imaginary world. For the roleplay she doesn't do any magic but summoning her tea essence, but in my worlds, she's still in a dark magic prodigy with an interest in psychology. The differences though: her age shrunk, originally from around 20 to 6 and finally to around 15. Her frame shrunk and grew along with those changes as well. Most significantly though, she's now physically frail and quite sickly.

The original Jane was in Dawn Eternia's background stories (first part linked from here) and could technically be the same person, but I'm not quite counting on it. Since Dawn's story hasn't changed, I suppose I'm just considering it a different person? :P Go me and my complicating weirdness. >.<"

TRW-exclusive trivia! Again in my story version of her, she's the leader of a superhero team called J.U.L.I.E.T.. There'll be more on J.U.L.I.E.T., probably around when I introduce the Sixteen. Her codename is "Shadowlight" which was created by some civilians who saw her using "dark" and "light" colored magic. Her favorite food, as indicated in the Crack OC meme is pumpkin pie XD. Her mother was part of a military "supergroup" as well

Grand Cross Academy: Fiana Lunaltusiem. [written profile] [artsy profile] (they're the same thing, just different formats). (Accepted! :D)

This is the same Fiana that's shown up as a super side character in the Spring Ball Trouble arc as well as the ECA segments. And being a minor character in a bunch of stories is kind of how she caught my attention. Let's be a little silly and break some fourth wall barriers here:

So I'm working on a few character profiles, just tidying things up and drawing relationship trees when I realized that Fiana shows up as a relation for a lot of characters in the Sixteen (16 characters I'm considering my main protagonists; I'll introduce them sometime).
And so I laugh and say "Well, that's good. She's a good minor character. I'll never have to write her story out."
But she's obviously not as complacent and as much a identity-confused pushover as I had initially thought of her as because she decides to tell me: "I'm a little tired of being a minor character for everyone. Can I...walk away from my life and have my own adventure?"
Being the magnanimous writer I am, I looked into her story a bit and told her, "Yea, if you can find the courage to get up and actually walk away, I'll give you your own adventure." And she actually does it. So based on the only notes I had for her before (white haired, yellow eyes, demigod, always looks sad, healing and weapons class, likes reading, identity confused) I revised a few things about her person and let her in a roleplay. Thus far, I think she likes the artistic attention. :)

TRW-exclusive trivia! Fiana's got a bunch of different surnames, all of which give her a different person and identity to associate herself with. Also included are a bunch of character relations.

Tallwater: Her father's, Ivian Tallwater, surname. Fiana uses this name for most of her childhood. He's  very protective of her, to the point of being controlling and demanding. His sour relationship with her step-brother (his step-son) causes rifts sometimes, but underneath everything he is always proud of her achievements and her effort.

Maur: Her stepmother's, Jemma Pryce Maur, surname. Jemma is a very famous actress and the niece of the lord of their fief, so Fiana is sometimes referred to as such. Neither she nor her step-mother appreciate this naming. Although outwardly Jemma seems to dote on her stepdaughter, she thinks Fiana is quite silly and weak. For a laugh she might hang scary pictures in the hallways to intimidate her. Jemma does not approve of Fiana's mainly aesthetic use for magic.

Synisar: Her seraphic parent's surname. Aldis and people at the temple sometimes call her "Fiana Synisar" to remind her that she is her own person, not just an extension/ property of her father.

DiEntario: Her step-seraph parent's surname, given in the hope the she might bring peace between her mother and this seraph by marrying a son of this seraph. Ironically, Fiana's step-brother would fill this criteria. Both of them strongly reject the idea.

Fin Fian/ Fiana Villosa: A title that's supposed to mean "Healer of the Mind" because of her work in the psychological illness field later on in life. Even though it was meant to be an honor, Fiana grows almost irritated because to her, it comes to represent the almost unreasonable expectations placed on her by society.

Lunaltusiem: After Fiana becomes recruited to become a "Ghost of Cieonna Halls"--a servant of the Master of the mystical Cieonna Halls and Keeper of the Chasm of Secrets--a moon-rabbit friend recommends the name to her: a combination of "Luna" for Moon, and "altus" for High Priestess. Her master thinks it's a cruel and funny thing and calls her by that name; she doesn't pick up that he is mocking and instead sees it as something original. Thus, almost ironically, this is the name that she eventually adopts.

A few last notes:
Unfortunately due to NaNo and then school and my procrastination abilities, I haven't actually been able to draw, much less submit a lot of stuff. I'm barely keeping up with the December drawing challenge as is and only the first two-three days have actually post-able quality and content material.

We'll talk after finals. If you read all the way down here, then I commend you and apologize for ranting like this. Good luck to anyone taking finals soon! :D

Saturday, December 1, 2012

December First

Hey! :D 
So as the above buttons can inform you, both Ashmac and I made it to 50,000 words this month! 
This blog post is basically a really long update on some Nano stuff and plans for this following month. Even I think it's really long >___<

About NaNo:
The breakdown of my 50,027 words this month is somewhat like this: 
Where green is 1,667 or more words; yellow, orange and red indicate less progress than 1667, with red being atrociously few words. That long stretch of red can be explained by midterms falling on that week. The last few green spots had to make up for that, which explains why I'm rather behind, but not impossibly behind, in just about everything now. XD

At about 25K words I started getting really stuck and didn't like the redundancy in what I was writing. This led to some major revisions in the writing once I decided what to do. 

The original concept was based off of three settings: The elementary school, the university, and the Land of Dreams. I decided to cut out the part at the elementary school altogether even though original concept I had back in 4th/5th grade was situated in an elementary school and I had always envisioned the Campus Curse story as taking place in an elementary school. Like my college writing professor Collier Nogues suggested, "Sometimes a good idea doesn't make it into the actual essay" (heavily paraphrased). In regard to the rhetorical analysis I was writing, she said: "It's a good idea. And it's done what it could to get you started, but I think it's done what it can". She had a metaphor in there as well, but sadly I dont' remember it exactly. The point was, in order to go forward and write a better essay I would need to drop the original inspiration. Method acting isn't mentioned in my RA paper at all. I decided the elementary school won't appear in Campus Curse. 

With that settled, I concentrated on the situation at the university. Originally there were just two people there. I picked up a rather cliche stone and set up a zombie apocalypse situation where a group of students are trapped on campus with an army of the undead led by a power-hungry and revenge-driven necromancer surrounding them. The part in the Land of Dreams remained mostly unaltered. Since the protagonist is a comic-artist, there are a few scenes towards that feature her world.

So yea. I didn't want to give too much away while still reflecting on my experience. I tried a lot of ways to get myself to write, and found that I could definitely write about 500 words a day and up to about 750 or 1,000 on a weekend or on a day with more time. Past 1K it got harder, even if there was no shortage of scenes I still had to write. My writing style was, as usual, very sporadic and got very stuck in the middle. Instead of writing coherently from beginning to end, I jumped to whatever scene I felt like writing and expanded on that however much I felt like. When I was running low on inspiration I went back and finished or expanded other scenes. This led to an insane amount of in-congruencies, and I have a sheet  that's over a thousand words in itself and filled with notes such as "add __" or "__happened. O_O? Make it make sense" or my favorite: "TENSE SHIFTS". This jumping around really shouldn't have surprised me. That's how I write these blog posts too. The data above seemed to confirm that I write most under pressure T_T". I can also say I have fallen asleep typing now and am extraordinarily grateful that I can touch-type, because I probably wrote a good few thousand with my eyes drooping. 

Thus, even though the is a beginning scene and a final scene and a bunch of scenes in between, the story isn't really complete and it definitely isn't coherent. I'll get to finishing and stringing it together as well as finding a consistent pace. I hope I can keep a steady writing pace, even with the art projects this month and what not (more on that later in the post). 

I'm extremely grateful for the support I got from friends, the NaNo facebook group and my brother (who sat in my room and reiterated that "You're not going to make it" every time I did something other than write or study.) So thanks everyone! :)

December Art Challenges

Last December I tried my hand at a drawing challenge and got about 10 days in before something happened. Later, my computer died; thus only days 1-9 remain because they were posted online previously. Day 1 from last year can be found here. This year I'll be trying some similar ideas: 

The 30 Day Drawing Challenge was, as far as I can figure out, first started by Sylvia Tran, who came up with the version linked to above. It was popularized by Allison Lehman's version and the idea went "viral" on online communities such as deviantART and tumblr. (see #30DayDrawingChallenge on tumblr!)
For this challenge I'm going to be doing mostly traditional pencil-and-paper drawings or little digital sketches.

The 30 Day Drawing Challenge: Superheroes is exactly what it sounds like; a 30 day drawing challenge, but more structured and organized and focused. The original is here, I believe.
I'm actually doing this in Janurary, but I'll be sketching ideas as well. If it takes too much time, I'll just leave it entirely for next month.

I have no clue where I found the December photo challenge but I was linked to it from my friend's instagram on facebook and figures I'd try it as well. If it turns out to take too much time and effort I'll probably drop this one as well.

The "November is Writing, December is Art" motto seems to be a pattern with me. :) 

Other Projects

Aside from finals creeping up on me, I'll most probably be getting back to Sun Dagger and ECA as major projects and maybe a random story or so on the side. So expect the second part of Ani's cheat week?

Thanks for reading!