So... my resolutions for this 2012 include, very vaguely to:
- Study and record. (Aka, read. And write/ record my findings/ weave the knowledge garnered into stories). Mainly for academic reasons, but obviously not solely. I would like to get to reading up on astrology and tarot, both of which I've long had interests in. This point is also my excuse to get to writing and drawing/ painting time more consistently and more often. I've been very inspired by a lot of things this winter, and I want to put all that inspiration to good use.
- Be content. (Aka accept things as they are and look to the future more than the past.) Instead of asking for bliss and happiness, for asking for a positive necessitates a negative, I'm just asking to be satisfied and content with life. I know my dramatic nature makes me prone to the dynamics of emotions, and I'm fine with that, but I want to be able to control my responses so I am not so easily swayed in action, if that makes any sense. I thought of this because on Christmas evening, my computer hard drive suddenly croaked (it had been fine a few hours ago, as I was watching Cardcaptor Sakura (which I absolutely love) on it the entire morning). Apple said they could replace the hard drive free of charge, but recovering the data would take a long time and a lot of money (neither of which I was willing to spend). Everything since 02 November had not yet been backed up, so all my NaNo writing as well as all the Drawing Challenges would be gone. Even then, I think I took it rather well. I might not have recovered the data, but I have all my programs aside from Photoshop up and running again. Lesson learned: Back up consistently and frequently.
- Time Management (Aka make every moment productive). A lot of family friends have indicated that I have gained weight over the winter recess. That is, I need to make time to exercise on top of school and art (both literary and artistic) and all the nitty gritties of life we have to make time for anyways. Like Gandalf in Lord of the Rings tells Frodo, "All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us."
All that should also explain why I don't have a picture up this week from the drawing challenge. I hope to post something small soon though, so don't lose hope in this! :)
Good luck on your resolutions and happy new year! :)