In Idyll, there is a place that appears different to all who encounter it. It is best described as a river, but whether it is a clear-glass stream or a lake of blood-thick ink, whether the building in the centre is a new cottage or a skyscraper ruin--or whether this structure exists at all--depends on the individual. This is The River Windrose, named for the petals that drift with the wind to the spaces of the unconscious.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Fall or Fly


Hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day last Friday and a refreshing three-day weekend (or, those who had three-day weekends).

I'm disappointed to say that despite the late update (D: AHHH D: )I don't have the scene I wanted to have up today ready. It was going to be a clippet of Enlaika/Eileen and Alan a few months after the events of Spring Ball Trouble. I had an idea for a scene on Friday, but that turned out to be just this:

         We sat in relative quiet, one of us occasionally humming something off tune or entirely made up. His fingers danced over the keyboard, typing away at the second book of his series, while mine guided a needle and thread through cloth. We had so little time together now that we attended different colleges, but there was still always so much work to be done. So we treasured the few hours we could be within physical distance of each other, and relied on phone or video conversations the other times.  We didn’t say much, instead just savoring the peaceful time we had together.  
        Behind us, the sunset was counting the minutes left of our time together. His fingers stopped for a moment, and I curled my head in the crook of his neck, relaxing at his touch. Even if it was just a moment, we knew we had each other. 
I imagined that they would end up with a long-distance relationship of sorts, and just to complicate it a bit, Norbert would end up going to the same college as Eileen or somewhere near. And the would hang out a lot and become good friends. Y'know, just to add to the drama a bit.

Anyways, I did write something else earlier this week that I wanted to share: Fall or Fly. 

         I might be a little masochistic. 

         I’m out of time. I’ve still got too much to do. I’m tired. There’s too much to do. I’m still not doing anything. Time is just tick-ticking by, and I’m just die-dying, not able to motivate my body and brain to focus and get anything done. I want to drown in happy thoughts. I want to run away. I’m paralyzed, honestly. But instead of being panicked, I’m startlingly tranquil.  
         A wave of calm floods through me, inundating all the interneurons in my body. Just the interneurons, mind you. The sensory neurons are tingling, as though there was something just a few nuances from their receptive fields. It creates a feeling like a force field, shivering nervously in existence an inch from the surface of my skin. I’m trembling not quite a nervous wreck, but on my toes, excited, anxious. 
        I want to jump, and pounce on something. Fly and soar and shoot magic from my fingertips and cause storms with my thoughts. Do something powerful and amazing.  
        But I can’t. There’s nothing but an endless sea of work to drown in .  
        I don’t want to drown. I’m afraidis that the right word?of the bottomless ocean, of not being able to swim, or even swimming poorly. I’m already floundering as time pushes me towards the edge. 

        It’s time to fall, or fly. 

I only have a few notes on this one. I wrote this while waiting for a friend on the bridge overlooking a courtyard at school. I thought it would be a short wait, and was didn't have any work on me that I could actually work on. So I pulled out my commonplace notebook and was just flipping through it when a sudden inspiration to write just hit me. I wrote it mostly just stream of thought, which kinda explains the nerdy neuron bit there in the third paragraph/ chuck/ whatever-you-call-one-liners-of-text-blobs.

I had the idea afterwards to write it in context of an OC, but I don't quite have it worked out.

I don't know what I'm posting next week either, but I'll have something up! Unfortunately I still don't know what the next major project I'll be posting is. I'm still running through a lot of side projects, finishing up and adding a little in the spare pockets of time I get.

Until next week then, good luck and have fun, everyone!
~Minerva ^_^

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